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Forums - Gaming Discussion - metal gear solid quick note for those who will go crazy if multiplat

Pristine20 said:
Infamous said:
Pristine20 said:
Infamous said:

^^ lol irony, you failed to mention the worst of the worst.

Also, Pristine you make no sense, dozens of people will press f5 continuiously to get multiple hits for thier beloved game, I thought this was common knowledge.

The fact that you knew about the whole F5 thing and I did is very telling indeed.


 I just want to read about something else other than sony's financial troubles once in a while but thats all we talk about these days. I spend more time sifting through for where to post than actually posting these days. I usually don't react to these things but it's really getting ridiculous lol


Yeah we both knew, but doesn't everyone?

Remember around a year ago people were making topics about Halo 3 getting extreme multiple hits per day and people were assuming someone was doing that? Given the amount of fanboys on this site for every console, it's not hard to believe there's one person who has no life willing to do something so.


I actually meant to say I didn't know. Who is so hardcore to waste their time pressing f5 over and over just so a game is "most popular" on vgc? wow, just wow

Anyway, I thought LBP was the highest because so many are tracking it's sales and have all kinds of predictions about it.

still, assuming S.T.A.G.E. is right and something like only 8 mil out of 17 mil of ps3 owners play games, it's pretty impressive that it's games are still #1 regardless of the means on a website that only seems to spout only negative info about it. It either means ps3 fans are overtly dedicated to their console or that there still enough interest in the console that calling it doomed is jumping the gun lol





Less than 1/4 of installed base. 4 million is the highest friend. :) To have 8 million active gamers on the PS3 would be a god send for Sony. The installed base is erratic to say the least.

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*sighs*.... not every big Third party game this gen has to go cross Platform... MGS4 sold very well, I don't see a major reason for it to go cross platform.....

4 ≈ One

Dgc1808 said:
*sighs*.... not every big Third party game this gen has to go cross Platform... MGS4 sold very well, I don't see a major reason for it to go cross platform.....


GTA sold over 10 m when it had a multiplatform launch. MGS4 would've sold near to that had it been sold multiplatform.

Dgc1808 said:
*sighs*.... not every big Third party game this gen has to go cross Platform... MGS4 sold very well, I don't see a major reason for it to go cross platform.....

Well the 360 could use another "victory" lol.

@ S.T.A.G.E.

some non-gamers bought GTAIV ps3bwhen I don't even have it and all I ever do is play games. some impressive marketing from rockstar


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Pristine20 said:
Dgc1808 said:
*sighs*.... not every big Third party game this gen has to go cross Platform... MGS4 sold very well, I don't see a major reason for it to go cross platform.....

Well the 360 could use another "victory" lol.

@ S.T.A.G.E.

some non-gamers bought GTAIV ps3bwhen I don't even have it and all I ever do is play games. some impressive marketing from rockstar



They probably did. I cannot account which ones are non gamers from those who are. I only know that they exist. The sales dont account for a proper portion of the installed base though. The only way you could properly account it is by sales of Blu Ray and not games.


Even though the PS3 sold more consoles than the 360's 2 year period, The 360 had better sales results 2 fold. This brings about a huge problem. Get what i'm saying?

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Pristine20 said:
kirby007 said:
Pristine20 said:
you're funny.

It's funny that with all the "ps3 is doomed" stuff on vgchartz, ps3 games are always "most popular" on the website as well. How ironic

... cause those things really got all there views in a legit way...


Actually, if you ask me, its because of the number of people who just want to hate the ps3.

Think about it, most nintendo fans aren't talking about how awesome nintendo's sales is or how the wii will beat the ps2 in 3 years. Instead they're talking about how the ps3 will be canned next year and how sony will die. Easy to say if you're not one of the 180,000 working for them. Think NJ5

Most M$ fans on the other hand are talking about how the exact same thing instead of focusing on their own console. Think Gebx

Why does LBP get so many hits? It's obviously because people like burgles always check up on it to make sure it's not selling so they can find more articles saying the same thing!

So much for Benga's official PS3 is doomed thread.

I need a break from vgc for a while. I should focus on P4 about it's becuase PS3 fans are Fing annoying.

Why do the games get so many hits. It's the PS3 fans looking at them, not everyone else.

The reason people are saying bad things about the system is becuase it's been underpreforming. It's even underpreforming from earlier in the year. That aint good. They are simply point out the obvious. Why a lot of people might be happy the PS3 is losing is

  1. The PS line has been winning for so long
  2. PS3 fans will finally can it. Back in 07 there were so many threadt about the system's success. It was everywhere (and normally, it was nothing).

PS3 fans are like Nintendo fans last generation. Just no one has realized it yet.


Why the fuck does everyone want the PS3's exclusives? It's like 360 fans would rather see a PS3 game come to their console than an all new exclusive.


It's because last gen the PS2 was the major console to have. Now that the PS3 isn't in the PS2 shoes and a majority of the games are now spread over consoles in a vastly different. Many of the PS2 games are not shifting in porportion to the player base of PS2 generation. So your finding PS2 fans who have shifted to other consoles are still pining for games they played on the PS2. They won't switch back because a majority of games they want is on their new console. But there will be those that arent.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

Dgc1808 said:
*sighs*.... not every big Third party game this gen has to go cross Platform... MGS4 sold very well, I don't see a major reason for it to go cross platform.....


i dont mean mgs4 i mean a new mgs