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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - (Rumor) Leaked "Tales" trailer for the Wii

.:Dark Prince:. said:
It's certainly legit, look at 0:37, that shot has been shown for a couple of month as the new Wii Tales shot.

Yeah I as about to say the same thing. It is definitely legit footage.

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For those who don't know, add &fmt=18 on the end of the youtube link to get slightly better quality.

For those lazy ones, just click the link below:



Edit: already said before, so sorry


I hope thats real. It looked really good.

Support good third party games on wii. Buy games like house of the dead overkill, de blob, madworld, the conduit and boom blox.

Thanks for the second link, Joora, I was going to say I couldn't tell if it looked good or not until I saw that...pretty cool!

Definitely legit. Also I'm interested in how it doesn't look party based, but a single character affair. It would be interesting if the whole game is like that. The graphics are technically impressive for the Wii and I would say they are probably close to vesperia technically, but with their own style. Overall this looks like something new for the tales series, and I'm definitely interested. Actually I'm probably more interested in this than I was in either Vesperia or Dawn of the New World.

edit: The only thing that would make me say its fake is having the titles "Tales of Mothership". You would think they would name it when they show the first trailer.

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Game looks awesome. Its official. They had released a screen during the fall media summit. Same character.

Main character looks like Suzaku! If the CLAMP rumors were true Im buying this game just for their character design,




OMG yes.

This is the trailer from the Nintendo conference back in October, it matches up with the picture (and the fact that no name is given). So we can drop the rumor suff now.

EDIT: The person that leaked it says in the description that it's Tales of Destiny 3. I don't know how much I believe that, though.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"


Looks fantastic, even if it is just a bunch of areas. The combat looks...different. Either way, now I'm even more psyched :D

EDIT: Now Soriku, don't make "on par with Vesperia" assumptions until we at least have some real good footage hmm? That makes me feel like your downplaying Vesperia, given what the trailer has shown so far.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

ClaudeLv250 said:

OMG yes.
 (and the fact that no name is given).

Who's giving me away!?!

More importantly, which poor sap is getting me?


Looks legit.. If it's better than Symphonia, I might get it.

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