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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony’s Home 3D World Already Turning To Sex

Onyxmeth said:
BKK2 said:
lol what? There was nothing about sex in that video whatsoever. US can be ridiculously prudish sometimes.

Well there are no actions in HOME to comprise of people having sex. The gangbang dancing is the furthest it can be taken at the moment. Watching that video though, you should know it's just a bunch of guys pushing up against girls using the most freedom they have at their disposal and not just some innocent group dancing.



Just imagine if Sony actually made a home premium and charged all the perverts who wanted to do exactly what u can do on Second Life on home. LMAO!

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SpartanFX said:

you don't own PS3 and it's not your duty,,

I can post article every 3 hours about someone reporting a RROD article but i don't do that cause I don't own a 360 and I don't care for it.

but you on the other hand go out of your way to post something negative about PS3 which in this case could be experience of 10-20% of people going to home.

find more article for 360 and post it there.

I own a PS3 and I think it's frigging hilarious!

@stage who r u kidding?you own a PS3?apearently you forget your own post history ;)




Just be glad they haven't let you upload your own pictures or video, then all heck will break loose.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
BKK2 said:
lol what? There was nothing about sex in that video whatsoever. US can be ridiculously prudish sometimes.


This has nothing to do with the US and you know it. The idea of what Home was supposed to be was naive and it was known from a long time just by common sense  from critics, of what it could turn into. The critics ended up being right before the full version was even launched. Now you just knnow what to expect.

Did you watch the video? There is absolutely nothing about sex. It's an American speaking in the video, and an American site reporting this "story". Maybe it's a slow news day, but I really can't imagine a European site linking this video to sex and making a news item about it. It's completely ridiculous.


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SpartanFX said:
@stage who r u kidding?you own a PS3?apearently you forget your own post history ;)



LOL....apparently you missed when I bought the MGS4 bundle.

Onyxmeth said:
leo-j said:
Wow that video is interesting, I wonder what would Happen if I do something like that, create a test dummy that looks like a hot chick, and every one surrounds me and then I drop it, I reveal my voice XD

You sure it wouldn't just solidify their notion that your avatar is the real deal? I mean you are pretty young.



 I have a deep voice


BKK2 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
BKK2 said:
lol what? There was nothing about sex in that video whatsoever. US can be ridiculously prudish sometimes.


This has nothing to do with the US and you know it. The idea of what Home was supposed to be was naive and it was known from a long time just by common sense  from critics, of what it could turn into. The critics ended up being right before the full version was even launched. Now you just knnow what to expect.

Did you watch the video? There is absolutely nothing about sex. It's an American speaking in the video, and an American site reporting this "story". Maybe it's a slow news day, but I really can't imagine a European site linking this video to sex and making a news item about it. It's completely ridiculous.



So you're telling me, that given the freedom that the pervs wouldn't PS rape some random chick if they had the choice?

BKK2 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
BKK2 said:
lol what? There was nothing about sex in that video whatsoever. US can be ridiculously prudish sometimes.


This has nothing to do with the US and you know it. The idea of what Home was supposed to be was naive and it was known from a long time just by common sense  from critics, of what it could turn into. The critics ended up being right before the full version was even launched. Now you just knnow what to expect.

Did you watch the video? There is absolutely nothing about sex. It's an American speaking in the video, and an American site reporting this "story". Maybe it's a slow news day, but I really can't imagine a European site linking this video to sex and making a news item about it. It's completely ridiculous.



Yeah, the Europeans only make news about having a swear word in Scrabble...


you know what's more ridiculous? that OP probably didn't even watch the vid himself,,,he just saw something negative for PS3 from a no name site and said hey what better way to top my self and post yet another PS3 bashing topic in the past four hours