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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony’s Home 3D World Already Turning To Sex

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No they're not all guys lol. I played bowling with a girl today (she had a mic so ...).

lmao it was going to happen sooner or later.

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

Tremble said:
No they're not all guys lol. I played bowling with a girl today (she had a mic so ...).


I feel sorry for her.

Lol. I haven't even tried home but this video jus made my day. I'll surely be using chick avatars now for sure. Won't be hard since some people already mistake my PSN for a chicks name lol

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Wow gebx.

Do you not have anything better to do than stay on Sony's ass? Go play your 360.

Pristine20 said:
Lol. I haven't even tried home but this video jus made my day. I'll surely be using chick avatars now for sure. Won't be hard since some people already mistake my PSN for a chicks name lol


So thats how you get your kicks eh?

I just got of from Home using a girl avatar. Wow, this is sad. Ten guys were over me and doing dirty talk. Then I changed into a fat man and everyone ran.

While I was in my 'female' character (might as well be as I can't get my male one to look like me at all), I was talking to my housemate (who was impressed by Home to an extent) and then showed him how if I wait around long enough in my female form, some guy character will ask 'Where are you from?' to me...didn't wait more then a minute.

Then a guy positioned himself in a way so his crotch was right by my head (I was sitting), I was about to make a comment about him getting the loving from and girl with a dick but he left.


Hmm, pie.

S.T.A.G.E. said:

Check out this video!! OMG!!!! This dude created a test dummy chick avatar to see how long it would take to see losers come up to him. You will be surprised to find out how long it took!!! LMAO!!


2:43 and onwards was hilarious!!

OT: I remember to girls dancing together infront of a mall, they were swarmed by guys in less than 4 seconds. I read the messages
exchanged, one of them was actually even insulting the guys to get them away. Eventually the just decided to run away.

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