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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will you be satisfied with curent HD graphics after PS4/x720 wil come?

I'm satisfied with SNES and MSDOS game graphics...

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PS3 and Xbox 360 are fine as it is, although i would find it VERY hard to play a game Fully rendered in CGI it would be odd.

Of course im always open to HD graphics but w/e, PS360 atm is fine.

And lol you used Versus XIII as the example... why?

Not that im complaining, Versus is the best looking game out there IMO compared to any game for the future and to date but you should have used regualr XIII for your example since you said PS3 and 360 due to the fact Versus is a worldwide exclusive to PS3.

And yes im picky because im versus XIII's first ever hardcore fan.

Well I am easily satisfied. I find a good game with good N64/PS1 era graphics satisfying, stunning graphics are impressive and sometimes necessary (for example I think horror games work best with better graphics) but usually they matter little to me.

I was satisfied with SNES and N64 graphics. I don't car about the graphics that much at all. As long is it is not too blurry, then that hurts my eyes. Damn you Dialga on Spear Pillar in Brawl. XD Makin' my eyes water some times. >_>;

I caint wait for CGI style graphics with characters with real strands of hair and animals with coats of fure that wave in the wind etc! thoes little graphical effects wont take any extra dev time because their allready easily done in 3D programs now and they will add a huge amount of realism to scenes. Oh and actual blades of grass that cover fields from here all the way to castle town lol thoes are the little bells and whistles I cant wait for! :D And more realistic lighting will come with higer powered consoles and that wont take up to much extra dev time either.

Toy Story 4 will come with a slogan "CGI made on PS4" and feature lots of ducks!

I was watching sonys duck demo again the other day and pictured the pacific ocean full of ducks on ps4.

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

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Absolutely not, there is always room for improvement.

Even if graphics can get better, production costs are going to hold them down.






After playing so many games with great graphics where the gameplay sucks i don't care about it anymore. I can get the same kind of pleasure out of SMB and The Legend of Zelda as i can form any game from this generation. Hell in retrospect i think Super Mario Bros is a more enjoyable game than Super Mario Galaxy

Will I be happy with Wii graphics when PS4 and XB 720 can play Crysis?


Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

I don't care about further graphics. Stick some more ram in there and it's good to go next gen