^ Part of me is envious of you right because you missed out on a lot of those PS1 RPGs. You have yet to experience games like Xenogears (WHY NOT GET THAT FIRST?!!!!!!), Grandia, FFVII, VIII, IX (if you have not played them yet), Lunar 1 & 2, etc...
So many great games for you to now experience and it makes me jealous because all I have o sift through is the borderline JRPG trash we have been getting since this gen began.
Yes I said it, JRPG's have sucked lately. Although I have yet to start Valkyria Chronicles yet and have only started The Last Remnant and must admit the battle system is sweet, I love shit like that.
iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.
Currently playing:
Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)