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Forums - Gaming Discussion - RPG Genre Discussion Thread

@maxxpower, i played the tales of symphonia sequel on the wii. i actually liked it alot, put over 120hrs into the game. i think if u like the 1st game, u will like the sequel. i now need namco to release a sequel to : tales of verperia on the hd systems soon. :)





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@ssenkahdavic, guess what i have a copy of : alpha protocol. got it already, my friends store broke the street date. :)

yea yea yea, rub it in :) 

Let me know what you think

@ssenkahdavic, hehe ok i will :)
anyways its like i said in a recent post , its a clone in every way of the mass effect series. so if u like that series, then u will like it. overall its a good game, from what i have played of it. i will start my copy next weekend, need to work more on ff13. then wkc, before i start alpha protocol.





my thoughts on alpha protocol played it for a while last night ,first impressions are similar to most reviews ,the rpg parts aren't to bad as in you get a far bit of choice , graphically its a dogs breakfast yes i know obsidian aren't known for there graphical prowess but this far into the generation there is no excuse for not having a little bit of polish when it comes to graphics , the AI is not good at all,Metal gear solid had better AI and that's a PS1 game
and when i say better I'm talking about consistency, if you are taking a stealth route you want the enemy to have consistent behaviour not this some times they might react to your visible presence , or some times they might be oblivious to you standing next to them, also the enemy's approach is this ,they spot you close by and you are armed , so what do they do , they head straight at you and punch you in the face , then take a few steps back and shoot you rinse and repeat, shooting wise the game seems to favour longer range guns IE assault rifles
because with the way it calculates shooting damage even when you have upgraded your pistol stats it can take a number of hits to the head to kill some one so you are better off punching them . When you use your skills the screen goes a yellow colour to indicate this , trouble is its almost the same colour as your reticule.
the game might improve further in i don't know but from what i have played it seems obsidian has bit off more than it can chew the game to me really needed the touch of some one with there finger on the shooter / action game pulse with a better grip on this side of the game and obsidian doing the rpg part we could have had a top game may be next time ?
As to the game being a mass affect clone this stems more from the shared gaming histories of both obsidian and bioware ,the game like most from these two developers is a continuation of what was started back with KOTOR and continued on in a refined fashion ever since
so to say it is a mass affect clone is to say that mass affect is a clone of kotor /Jade empire etc
when it and mass affect are as i already stated continuations of a line of story telling developed back then.All in all a missed opportunity worth buying if your an aficionado ,other wise wait till you can get it cheap.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

maxxpower said:
lostintheodyssey said:
maxxpower said:
@darth, alpha protcol is a gimped version of mass effect series. its good and all, but it plays almost identical to the mass effect series, so if u like them . u will like the game. hope that helps u out.

You see, I don't have an Xbox or a good gaming pc so I've never played a mass effec game. I was actually hoping that alpha protocol would satisfy my need for a game like that.

Wow if that's the case you need to find a friend with a 360 or decent pc and play it on their system.  In my opinion the Mass Effect series along with the Uncharted series are two of the best ips created this gen that everyone should find a way to play no matter what genre preference they have and what systems they own.

You know, I might just buy an Xbox just to play the mass effect games, but only if Kingdom Under fire 2 is ever released.

Yeah microsoft has been quiet about kingdom under fire 2 hopefully they will show something at e3.  I never got around to playing the one on the original xbox but I remember hearing that it was a good game. I also remember hearing that the kingdom under fire title that they released for the 360 earlier this gen wasn't as good but I can't remember what the criticisms were.

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mjk45 said:

my thoughts on alpha protocol played it for a while last night ,first impressions are similar to most reviews ,the rpg parts aren't to bad as in you get a far bit of choice , graphically its a dogs breakfast yes i know obsidian aren't known for there graphical prowess but this far into the generation there is no excuse for not having a little bit of polish when it comes to graphics , the AI is not good at all,Metal gear solid had better AI and that's a PS1 game
and when i say better I'm talking about consistency, if you are taking a stealth route you want the enemy to have consistent behaviour not this some times they might react to your visible presence , or some times they might be oblivious to you standing next to them, also the enemy's approach is this ,they spot you close by and you are armed , so what do they do , they head straight at you and punch you in the face , then take a few steps back and shoot you rinse and repeat, shooting wise the game seems to favour longer range guns IE assault rifles
because with the way it calculates shooting damage even when you have upgraded your pistol stats it can take a number of hits to the head to kill some one so you are better off punching them . When you use your skills the screen goes a yellow colour to indicate this , trouble is its almost the same colour as your reticule.
the game might improve further in i don't know but from what i have played it seems obsidian has bit off more than it can chew the game to me really needed the touch of some one with there finger on the shooter / action game pulse with a better grip on this side of the game and obsidian doing the rpg part we could have had a top game may be next time ?
As to the game being a mass affect clone this stems more from the shared gaming histories of both obsidian and bioware ,the game like most from these two developers is a continuation of what was started back with KOTOR and continued on in a refined fashion ever since
so to say it is a mass affect clone is to say that mass affect is a clone of kotor /Jade empire etc
when it and mass affect are as i already stated continuations of a line of story telling developed back then.All in all a missed opportunity worth buying if your an aficionado ,other wise wait till you can get it cheap.

Thanks for the rundown.  Im picking it up for the PC.  This seems like the type of game that is going to be modded to death (and I cannot wait!)

@Ssencahdavic, forgot about pc ,could be good depends on the type of mods if it's focuses on improvements to the game then hell yes but increasingly mods are turning the games they mod into basically all new game types or concentrating on enhanced mp not that that's a bad thing

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

which rpg or jrpg at e3 would u like too see the most ,wether it be a remake or a sequel ?
i have 2 games : lost odyssey 2 and dark cloud 3






wow thanks for the long impressions

Sounds quite disappointing to me

I'll wait before buying it, gotta still get RDR, SMG2, FFIX (off PSN for a replay) & of course DQ9 coming soon.

Guys is NIER any good? I've heard many positive user impressions, by positive I mean mildly positive compared to its scathing reviews!


My Wish list for E3 RPG's:

1. Elder Scrolls V
2. FF Versus XIII
3. FF Versus XIII
4. The Last Story

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

@ Robo

RPGs for E3:

1) Suikoden 6
2) Persona 5
3) Something concrete on what Media Vision is doing on the PS3 (Wild Arms HD YES!)

4 KOTOR 3 (just to make it complete with a non JRPG :)