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Forums - Sales Discussion - Disgaea 3 outsells ToV in America


It's just that simple.

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ookaze said:
This only add more evidence to what was obvious since Eternal Sonata release : XB360 is the worst console for JRPG.
Japanese devs probably hoped to recoup their cost from the west, but it failed hard. The audience just is not on HD consoles. The PS3 does a little better, and just shows how bad the XB360 is for JRPG.
That's the only thing that make people say nonsense like JRPG never were popular in the west or other nonsense.
All of this is just poor excuses. An action JRPG outsold by a SRPG on a far lower installed base just has no excuse.
The audience for these games are not on the XB360, again, it was obvious since more than a year ago.
WRPG do far better, the difference is just insane. Clearly, the style of the games play a big role. There's


I think the real problem is that a lot of the JRPG fans haven't decided which console(s) to go with and they are still clining to their PS2s.  For example, Atlus stated that a majority of the Persona fanbase haven't upgraded to a new gen(or rather current gen) console and are still stuck with their PS2s.

Riachu said:

I think the real problem is that a lot of the JRPG fans haven't decided which console(s) to go with and they are still clining to their PS2s.  For example, Atlus stated that a majority of the Persona fanbase haven't upgraded to a new gen(or rather current gen) console and are still stuck with their PS2s.


I don't believe Atlus, and they are retarded anyway. What will they do, even if they're right?

The kind of games that Persona are just can't be risked on a HD console. They will be shunned just because of their low production value, regardless of them being good games or not.

Basically, that's like most SRPG. Disgaea on PS3 was just nonsense, but I think I understand why they did it. Now they're moving an nth remake of the first Disgaea to DS, trying to install a user base perhaps, but that just won't work.

SRPG and these low production value RPG were niche already last gen, I just don't see them going on with HD consoles. Only the Wii users have enough picture culture to accept these kind of "graphics" for these gens consoles. Wonder why they go on releasing Persona on PS2? It's just what I said: they don't know what to do, having associated their games with the Playstation brand, but unable to sustain these on HD consoles. Dangerous thing to do, putting all your eggs on one basket. A lesson that will be taught again the hard way this gen and next gen probably.

They all put all their franchises on Playstation, and this is the failing brand this gen. So all these devs are now going back to square one on the new userbase, and the last gen consoles user base that wasn't exposed to these games.

Xen said:
SnakeEyez said:
Wow, thats big. Reason being because of the obvious greater 360 out there than PS3 (especially in NA) and not to mention that Disgaea 3 is IMO a much more niche game than ToV. Could that be the turn out for FFXIII in NA as well? Doubt it.

This almost proves the argument on where the JRPG fans are... being that they're both 110k... but with Disgaea 3 being more niche and the smaller PS3 userbase...

FF XIII will be the same case.

Where is Starcraft..?


The 800k copies sold of Lost Odyssey sold on the 360 says STFU.


Times Banned: 12

Press----------------> <----------------Press

from this, i think white knight story will now be the 1st million selling jrpg this gen.





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deathgod33 said:
from this, i think white knight story will now be the 1st million selling jrpg this gen.

either that game or SO4


Riachu said:
deathgod33 said:
from this, i think white knight story will now be the 1st million selling jrpg this gen.

either that game or SO4


LO has a chance.


I think Japan will mold how each will fare. If WKC can squeeze out 400-500k, then a million is likely.

And if SO4 can get 200k, a million is guaranteed.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

WKC maybe gets the million done but S04 won't reach amillion maybe 500k or 700k.


Disgea 3 is number for America + whole rest of world imports (not realesed in others yet).

While Tov is almost only America since it's region locked.

Mystery solved :D


Zlejedi said:
Disgea 3 is number for America + whole rest of world imports (not realesed in others yet).

While Tov is almost only America since it's region locked.

Mystery solved :D

Well, that is not Sony's fault for allowing more freedom with their products.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.