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ookaze said:
This only add more evidence to what was obvious since Eternal Sonata release : XB360 is the worst console for JRPG.
Japanese devs probably hoped to recoup their cost from the west, but it failed hard. The audience just is not on HD consoles. The PS3 does a little better, and just shows how bad the XB360 is for JRPG.
That's the only thing that make people say nonsense like JRPG never were popular in the west or other nonsense.
All of this is just poor excuses. An action JRPG outsold by a SRPG on a far lower installed base just has no excuse.
The audience for these games are not on the XB360, again, it was obvious since more than a year ago.
WRPG do far better, the difference is just insane. Clearly, the style of the games play a big role. There's


I think the real problem is that a lot of the JRPG fans haven't decided which console(s) to go with and they are still clining to their PS2s.  For example, Atlus stated that a majority of the Persona fanbase haven't upgraded to a new gen(or rather current gen) console and are still stuck with their PS2s.