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Forums - Sales Discussion - Disgaea 3 outsells ToV in America

Riachu said:
noname2200 said:
Riachu said:
noname2200 said:

I guess I did overstate my case a bit. I retract that. Still, I maintain that the genre's popularity on internet forums is very disproportionate to its popularity at retail. Enough JRPGs do well enough out here, but the only really big one has been Final Fantasy, even on the PlayStation and PS2.

Would you agree that that's more accurate?


I can pretty much guarantee that SO4 and WKC will be the first million selling JRPGs. The former because SO3 sold over a million copies and the latter just because of the buzz surrounding the game. Just hope that they don't get released in the West too close to each other. If atleast one of them sell a million copies, then I get to gloat.

You can...if they sell a million in the West (gotta stick to my thesis ).

I'm confident that won't be the case. Wanna make this more interesting, though?

Selling a million copies in the West alone?  You do realize that a good chuck of those games' sales come from Japan.  I just mean a million copies WW, not in the West alone.

I realize that, yes...which is why I wrote "(d)espite the love they get on the forums, JRPGs have always been a very small market in the West."

It was subtle, though, so I can understand why you'd miss it while skimming (I do it all the time myself). Looks like we're in agreement here, though.


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Riachu said:
c0rd said:

Here we are:

Pretty impressive. I think it's a little silly to come to hard conclusions about this, though. There are too many factors that go into it... Unless it continues to sell for much longer, the difference is pretty much insignificant. I still think the 360 JRPG userbase in America is greater or equal to the PS3's there (it would be hard not to, with 2x+ the userbase). In America, I'm confident that no JRPG on HD consoles will come close to Lost Odyssey, until FFXIII comes out.

We'll have to wait until WKC, I guesss.

I'd like one reason why SO4 wouldn't sell better than LO.  SO is an established series unlike LO.  Also, S-E are publishing the game and will matket the hell out of the game.

Holy shit, I completely forgot about SO4. That's definitely one to look out for, it'll be pretty close in America. I was mainly thinking about WKC, which I think is being overestimated - I don't think it can do 1mil.

@noname2200: Btw, don't forget KH! It's the best selling console RPG ever in America, which is pretty impressive.

c0rd said:

@noname2200: Btw, don't forget KH! It's the best selling console RPG ever in America, which is pretty impressive.

Great point. I always forget about Kingdom Hearts for some reason.


KH is the #1 console RPG in the US??? i always thought it was FFVII... Well, you learn something every day...

BTW, nicely done saying "console" because i was about to bring Pokemon to the discussion XD XD XD

The Anarchyz said:
KH is the #1 console RPG in the US??? i always thought it was FFVII... Well, you learn something every day...

BTW, nicely done saying "console" because i was about to bring Pokemon to the discussion XD XD XD

I think they meant #1 console RPG in the US of the 21st century


Around the Network
Riachu said:
The Anarchyz said:
KH is the #1 console RPG in the US??? i always thought it was FFVII... Well, you learn something every day...

BTW, nicely done saying "console" because i was about to bring Pokemon to the discussion XD XD XD

I think they meant #1 console RPG in the US of the 21st century


Nope. Ever. At least according to this site.


axumblade said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Godot said:
Well, both game flopped.


No body "Seems" to like (J)RPG's anymore, there all switching to western style. *cough* Bioshock/Fallout 3 *cough*

It also seems like he didn't notice that Disgaea is an inexpensive game to make and it is also one of the highest selling games of the franchise. But it's okay because ya know...a flop is a flop, even when it sells better than other flops with larger audiences. e.e


So we are agreed that an extremely niche game on a system with a smaller install base has outsold a more mainstream type of JRPG on "the" JRPG HD console.  This must be a brain-breaker to some 360 folks.

@ noname

What? KH only sold 5 mil!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
@ noname

What? KH only sold 5 mil!

Yes, but the discussion was about a JRPG's sales in the US. Kingdom Hearts is at 3.5 million here: FF VII is at 3.05.

This only add more evidence to what was obvious since Eternal Sonata release : XB360 is the worst console for JRPG.
Japanese devs probably hoped to recoup their cost from the west, but it failed hard. The audience just is not on HD consoles. The PS3 does a little better, and just shows how bad the XB360 is for JRPG.
That's the only thing that make people say nonsense like JRPG never were popular in the west or other nonsense.
All of this is just poor excuses. An action JRPG outsold by a SRPG on a far lower installed base just has no excuse.
The audience for these games are not on the XB360, again, it was obvious since more than a year ago.
WRPG do far better, the difference is just insane. Clearly, the style of the games play a big role. There's a kind of hate from the XB360 owners for these games' designs.

Even the PS3 population seems to have this hate. Gritty graphics are what sell on these consoles.

That's what will save FFXIII, because I was starting to wonder if even adding the XB360 would save its sales. My common sense tell me that it will work and that the added market of PS3 + XB360 will ensure very good sales for FFXIII, but I have this strange hunch...

Anyway, the better ToV on XB360 being outsold in every territory by the spin-off ToS:KoR should be selling a clear message to Namco Bandai, if they didn't wise up already. Only Europe to go for these two.