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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN : Home Impression :(

FishyJoe said:

TV is free. So are you not supposed to criticize lousy shows because they don't cost you anything?

Wii Sports is free. Does that mean that people who criticize it are wrong?

TV is free?  Where in the hell do you live?  Oh, nevermind, Well, I don't know what hulu is, and I don't have over-air TV.

Wii Sports is free?   Kinda.  It's bundled into the cost, seeing as that the Wii is less expensive in JP where it isn't bundled.

@ Darc

Sure.  Get me some numbers on how much home costs/costing, and then I'd be glad to agree.

@ kowenicki

No, but if something is free, and voluntary to use, I do find it hard to complain.  If you don't like it, don't delete it, and never touch it again.  Amirite?

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libellule said:
Darc Requiem said:
DMeisterJ said:
The day people complain about a free application that you are not forced to use is the day that I stop believing that mankind is moving forward in motion, but backwards.

What are we going to complain about now that free stuff doesn't get a pass?

Complain about getting gifts? Complain about finding money? sheesh.

Yeah but it's money Sony could used on game production. They could have used the funds they wasted on Home to make some of the games PS3 owners have been waiting on.



yes, I agree, that the main question to ask :

how much HOME costed to Sony ???


Too much. This has to be the worst application Sony released. In game XMB was awesome, but with Home, Sony took a huge step backwards. A complete waste of money.


It's these editor's job to criticize and evaluate. That's why they're paid and that's why we read it. The price, or lack there of, of a product should not influence them describing their experiences and giving their opinions. This is what they thought of Home, take it or leave it.

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I'm not defending home to death, or saying people can't have opinions, you're allowed to do both, obviously. I just can't get it through my skull how people can complain about free stuff, that they don't have to ever use. I just find that quite odd. Maybe that's me trying to defend Sony, or not, but that's just how I feel, and try as I might to accept that complaining about free stuff is cool, I just don't think it is.

That's just what I wanted to say.

DMeisterJ said:
The day people complain about a free application that you are not forced to use is the day that I stop believing that mankind is moving forward in motion, but backwards.

What are we going to complain about now that free stuff doesn't get a pass?

Complain about getting gifts? Complain about finding money? sheesh.

The problem here is your use of the word "complain". What these reviewers are doing would be more accurately described as "criticizing".


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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kowenicki said:
@ smcc1887 pay for a dashboard on xbox live?? eh?

I would rather pay for something I use then have something for free that I will never use. I KNOW I am not the only one that feels this way.


 Yes, you do pay for XBL and this New Dashboard is part of XBL, hence you pay for it.

Loads of people do use Home, and will continue to use Home more as it continually gets updated. You should check out the stuff coming to Home in the near future. I KNOW this as many cannot even enter Home due to extremely extremely high traffic levels, hence people do use Home

NJ5 said:
DMeisterJ said:
The day people complain about a free application that you are not forced to use is the day that I stop believing that mankind is moving forward in motion, but backwards.

What are we going to complain about now that free stuff doesn't get a pass?

Complain about getting gifts? Complain about finding money? sheesh.

The problem here is your use of the word "complain". What these reviewers are doing would be more accurately described as "criticizing".

You're right.

Criticism is a better word than complaining, and accurately portrays what is being said.  Sorry for any confusion.

But is the criticism constructive or not? 

PlayStation Home is dumb.


KylieDog said:
FishyJoe said:

TV is free. So are you not supposed to criticize lousy shows because they don't cost you anything?

Wii Sports is free? Does that mean that people who criticize it are wrong?


TV is not free, you pay a yearly license, or in the case of satellite or cable, and month subsciption.

In Germany there are only 2 channels you need to pay for. The rest is free. Still many people are complaining about shows on those free channels.

They could have used the money wasted from Home to fund Eight Days or The Getaway 3. That would have been money well spent.


kowenicki said:
@ dmeister

You are right.... Which is why I deleted Home last night. Utter waste of my time and Sony's money. You enjoying HOME dmeister?? If so what is it you enjoy about it?


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