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Forums - Sony Discussion - Flash poll: Will the PS3 get a price cut in 2009? When?

NJ5 said:
So apparently 49% of people expect a price cut in the first half of 2009, with more tendency towards the first quarter. In about 3 months we'll know if 31% of the voters were wrong :P

I was expecting more people to vote for Q2. It's also interesting that 10% of people don't expect a price cut at all.


I am quite confident at least 41% of voters are wrong (no price cut + first quarter.)  Good poll, possible for a main page experiment? (Larger sample, see if similar results)

Around the Network

My vote goes to Q2.

Q1 seems too soon. If they were going to do a price cut on Q1, the best choice would be to make it on christmas time this year, not frebuary.

Q3 its possible.

Q4 is too late.


and if they don't make any price cut, the console is doomed. (yes , even more than now xD xD xD)