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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why the PS1/PS2 sucked and why the Wii rules. (Analogue sticks)

Wii remote is a little TOO simple. It doesn't have enough buttons to be able to pull off a Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry style game

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Squilliam said:

Its taken me 3 generations to get comfortable with the analogue sticks and the switch to 3d on consoles. So over 10 years of gaming and probably thousands of hours of play time for me to feel as at home playing on the systems.

If you don't like reading heres the short version.

Analogue stick learning curve -> 1000 hours

Wiimote learning curve -> 5 minutes.


"I wanted to be pointed THAT way, not the other way" D-Pad for 3d movement = not the best.

"WTF do I do with all these buttons, its confusing!!!"

"Why is this stick so wierd? It doesn't track movement precisely, thank god for auto aim"


"Hold down L2 and then press X whilst pulling away from the enemy with the left... WTF???" Devil may cry, im looking at you. Just one example of a game I never finished, there were many more.

"Stay on target, stay on target!!! Well I got him in the shoulder at least" Why are the sticks so slow? Horrible framerate??? But at least an improvement over the PS1.


"Got it now" Only took 3 generations of playing the consoles and improvements in the controls for me to finally be able to use them. But to be quite frank, had I not been trying since the PS1 days I would have never bothered with the current generation, too confusing I guess. Now controls have improved on the developer/console side, but it was a long slow journey.


"Press the A+B buttons to begin" - Shows the location of the two buttons on screen with a picture. "Ahh" Easy...

God I just remembered how much I hated the "f888ing sticks!" You had to play consoles for a while or you never really got used to the controls at all, I was always hopeful and always disapointed that whenever I tried to play the games they were just too confusing or too difficult to get the hang of. Quite frankly it was annoying knowing I was fighting the controller more than the game, the game itself was easy and I knew it. Its just getting my inputs into it that were hard.

The Wii is definately not intimidating, I bet Nintendo throws in Wii sports as an essential introduction so that if you've never gamed before you only have to learn one thing at a time. First learn the Wiimote, check! Best game for that? Wii Tennis. The number of times you have to click with it is annoying, they must have known how annoying it was, but they did it to train people how to use the pointer. Its the same deal with the "ready" screen, getting people used to pressing the A/B buttons and remembering their locations.



Lurker said:
Wii remote is a little TOO simple. It doesn't have enough buttons to be able to pull off a Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry style game




D-Pad up/down - Switch melee
D-Pas left/right - Switch gun

A - Jump
B - Shoot
Z - Use Melee

Analogue Stick - Move
C + Stick - Strafe
WiiMote Sensor - Aim

1 - Taunt
2/Violent shake of controller - active devil mode.

I've never played NGS, so I can't comment on that.

Every control system takes time to learn.

That said, I think that the Wii's controls are generally easier to pick up than the standard dual analog set up -- which, I think, was partly what Nintendo had in mind in their design. They want to be welcoming to newcomers.

My g/f has no problems with the Wiimote but still struggles with analog controls, including the nunchuck in like RE4. In fact, her troubles with analog control has been a lot of what's kept her away from console gaming between the SNES and the Wii.

PSX/2 were awesome IMO.

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lol, on topic with this thread:

Analog sticks were easy for my to understand, however, some games use Analog that should just use Directional and vice-versia. FF7 should not have been Directional. >>;

Also, I never owned a PS until a few months ago when I was given one for free. My gaming life was just fine. I'm prolly never gonna purchase a PS2 because of my BC PS3. Besides, like, the only PS2 games I'd ever play are MGS2, MGS3, FF X, FFX2, and FFXII...maybe SotC and ICO.

BTW GCN analog > All

I came of the Snes generation to N64 and didn't had any problems picking up on the analogue stick really. Mario64 was the first game I played back then and it all seemed quite straight-forward. Push forward to move forward. Push forward a little to only use small steps, etc.

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


I didn't have any problems with any analog sticks.

PS1/2/3 were fine with me. I don't see the major gripe with the analog sticks.

Ajax said:
The PSX and PS2 ruled.. and that's a fact, not my opinion.


No lie on the PSX.  I had a 5700 and 7100 and my 7100 I never opened and it sat in my closet.  Both were imported at a premium but in 2006 I sold the 7100 to a collector and the 5500 on ebay.  7100 paid for my ps3 and xbox 360 :)  Thats why it ruled.

I didn't bother reading any of this since the title alone speaks for how much BS this post has to be. The PS1 and PS2 had 100 times as many good games as the Wii. Oh, and the Wii controls are only good for people that know nothing about games and can't play any that actually require skill, which is none on the Wii btw.

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