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Forums - Sony Discussion - 3 Extremely funny LittleBigPlanet TV ads (UK).

Hi. Just thought I would share these funny LBP ads with the VGC community . I don't think they have been posted before. 

These are the ads for LBP in the UK and possible the rest of Europe. Enjoy  

1. The Cullen Family 

2. Heavy Metal Mullet 

3. My personal favourite :D The Janice Planet xD  


What are your thoughts on them? I think its nice to see a PS3 game advertised with 100% in game footage for once xD

Around the Network

I can't watch em Oo!

are these the ones with the crazy opera singer at the end?

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


@ Tremble

The cullen family one works, but the other two dont. I will try and fix them.



OK, they all work for me now.

Around the Network

Oh lol, the two firsts were available in my country (belgium), but not the janice planet and it's freakin awesome (that's her heart, and it's frozen and the girlfriend molly lol).

Nice job, but I've never seen such levels available ^^

I loved the first one about the family dog

Number 2 Heavy Metal Mullet was a bit Next

Number 2 Planet Janice was quite good but maybe a touch on the creepy side.


OT: Wish the US ads were this cool

4 ≈ One

lool pretty funny




I like the 3rd one, especially when the friend gets killed. LOLz