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Forums - Sales Discussion - An Answer to DMeisterJ: Why I Take Sales Figures Personally

DmeisterJ is no graphics whore.. he owns a PS3, and a 360, and a Wii.. the best console of them all fishy Joe according to the general public the Wii.

Just because he is a gamer, and perfers good games over crap, doesnt make him a fanboy/ Graphics whore.


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Khuutra said:
I think twesterm was to a degree being inflammatory - not to much of one. It mostly had to do with the humorous nature of his storytelling. But yes, those who came out to insult him were the aggressors in that instance. You are right.

That said, aggressors cannot have an argument when people refuse to argue with them. If someone will scream, let them scream, and be about you own conversations. Being ignored is quite sobering.

I do not think that behavior comes solely from "HD fanboys", either, though it is an easy conclusion to draw.


Not solely, never solely... but mostly? :)

Though I'm sure you're right, that the best strategy is to pretend not to notice... I'll work on that.

leo-j said:
DmeisterJ is no graphics whore.. he owns a PS3, and a 360, and a Wii.. the best console of them all fishy Joe according to the general public the Wii.

Just because he is a gamer, and perfers good games over crap, doesnt make him a fanboy/ Graphics whore.

Delete the Wii part. Otherwise, you're about on target.


He is a total attention whore, though.

donathos said:
Khuutra said:
I think twesterm was to a degree being inflammatory - not to much of one. It mostly had to do with the humorous nature of his storytelling. But yes, those who came out to insult him were the aggressors in that instance. You are right.

That said, aggressors cannot have an argument when people refuse to argue with them. If someone will scream, let them scream, and be about you own conversations. Being ignored is quite sobering.

I do not think that behavior comes solely from "HD fanboys", either, though it is an easy conclusion to draw.


Not solely, never solely... but mostly? :)

Though I'm sure you're right, that the best strategy is to pretend not to notice... I'll work on that.

definitely mostly. Obviously generalisations can never be applied to the population as a whole but the point of a generalisation is that it's, well, general. and I think you're right on the mark


Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

leo-j said:
DmeisterJ is no graphics whore.. he owns a PS3, and a 360, and a Wii.. the best console of them all fishy Joe according to the general public the Wii.

Just because he is a gamer, and perfers good games over crap, doesnt make him a fanboy/ Graphics whore.


Oh no, I never meant to say that DMJ is!  It's just that his post got me to try to figure out why the sales stuff matters to me.

Actually, in my reply to him in that thread, I made clear that I've grown to respect a lot of people here, including DMJ and yourself.

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donathos said:

Look: loving graphics is easy.  We all have eyes, and in order to use them, you just have to keep them open.  Graphics are just one part of an overall game experience.  I believe that graphics are as important as they are to some because graphics whores are unable to appreciate other parts of gameplay.  They're the same people who can't stand foreign films due to subtitles, or older films with sub-par special effects by today's standards, or usually books at all.  They're the ones who never get to know what a woman's like because they can't see beyond her cup-size.  Their minds just aren't sophisticated enough to allow them to get past the glaringly obvious and superficial.

Graphics Matter!

This is coming from a guy who still plays Civilization I, thats old school.  Seems contradictory, doesnt it?  Well it isn't, because when I am looking for a gaming experience that involves strategy, puzzles, some RPGs or basically games that make me think, I am not looking for graphics as much as I am looking for gameplay. 

However, when it comes to FPS games that are suppose to put me in the shoes of a World War II soldier, the graphics need to be realistic.

donathos said:
Squilliam said:

@ Donathos.

I personally have a problem with Elitist crap. People who believe their perspective is much greater than the "unwashed masses" have throughout history dismissed the opinions of others who they believe are too incompetent to understand as they do. You are one of those Elitist individuals, you call those who do not share your opinion "Children", "Stupid", "Less developed", "Shallow", "Unsophisticated", "Non Erudite", "Immature" and then you make sweeping generalisations about their tastes, age, sex and education.

Oh and by the way, the Wii doesn't prove the "graphics whores" wrong like you're so desperate to put across to us. It is an indication that the user interface was in desperate need of a revamp. There is no factor causing improving visual fidelity to lead to reduced sales.





That's funny, because from my perspective, it's exactly the elitists I'm talking about.  It's the people who go on about the "casuals" and how Wii owners can't tell good software from bad who are making your "unwashed masses" arguments.  The Wii appeals to a very broad audience, as is evidenced by sales and demographics.  The graphics whores I'm talking about are a narrow subset of the population, who believe that their tastes are superior to those of everyone else. (See almost any discussion of the Wii, Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Wii Music, et al, ad nauseum, if you need examples.)

They are claiming that their arguments are based on their "hardcore" natures, and their 14 years of wisdom and learning; I think it's because they have a hard time comprehending things beyond graphics.  Arrogant of me?  Maybe.  Doesn't make me wrong.

Yes, Elitist. You're just one elitist talking about other elitists. You could say Pot/Kettle or one could say you're part of the problem.



noname2200 said:
leo-j said:
DmeisterJ is no graphics whore.. he owns a PS3, and a 360, and a Wii.. the best console of them all fishy Joe according to the general public the Wii.

Just because he is a gamer, and perfers good games over crap, doesnt make him a fanboy/ Graphics whore.

Delete the Wii part. Otherwise, you're about on target.


He is a total attention whore, though.


 DmesiterJ owns a wii



I think it needs to be clarified exactly what "elitist" means.

An elitist is not merely someone who says "my way is better". An elitist is someone who believes that the elite are the ones who should dictate the way a body (such as a government or industry) works. They believe that the smartest or the richest or the strong etc. should rule.

@leo-j: I believe DMJ sold his Wii, though I may be wrong.

leo-j said:


 DmesiterJ owns a wii

Psh, that was so November-ish. Get with the times, man!

He sold his.