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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Animals hurt during the making of Deadly Creatures
If PETA got mad at Sega for having a monkey in their commercial, I wonder how pissed off they will be when they find about a games where animals fight and were killed and eaten during the making of the game.

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I don't see any part saying animals were hurt. Apparently they ate insects, well I ate a schnitzel today...

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okay you said animals. misleading title. It says insects. who cares about insects? they should exterminate all insects on the planet

NJ5 said:
I don't see any part saying animals were hurt. Apparently they ate insects, well I ate a schnitzel today...



coolestguyever said:
okay you said animals. misleading title. It says insects. who cares about insects? they should exterminate all insects on the planet

Insects are animals... and one of the most important sets of animals for keeping the ecosystem running smoothly. If you take them away the rest of life will not be able to adapt quick enough and most plants and animals would die.


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Talking about a misleading title. The article never stated they hurt any insects.

Jesus Christ; after that whole brouhaha about Cooking Mama ( )? What are they thinking, unless they're hoping that PETA will make an even more awesome parody?

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There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Thing is, animals aren't retarded like the PETA members are, so they still eat other animals even if they are animals themselves :)


FaithRaven said:
Thing is, animals aren't retarded like the PETA members are, so they still eat other animals even if they are animals themselves :)

Are you suggesting we raid a zoo and transport all the animals to the PETA offices to overthrow them?


No one gives a damn about ugly little bugs. Thats why Deadly Creatures will be so enjoyable :D