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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 360 = GEN , PS3 = N64 ... Wii = Wi?

windbane said:
bigjon said:
leo-j said:
The wii's gaming library doesnt touch the NES


and why not? we are talking after 2 years here. The wii is getting DQ, nes had dq... FF is the only thing missing really. But the has the Wii series. SMG is an incredible, it is 3d so it is hard to compare to SMB3.... but i would say in quality they are in the same leauge.



I was thinking about something when I checked the recent games on metacritic for the long has it been for the #1 console seller to not have a big game during the entire holiday season? I'm talking going on 3 months now. I suppose you can count Animal Crossing but the reviews don't back that up. I find it really odd.

Also, I find it hilarious that your defense is "the NES has DQ, the Wii has DQ!" I think it's a little more complicated than that. Also, as other have said, it was pretty much expected that DQ would be on the Wii due to the graphical style of the game. FF had to advance graphically. I doubt the main series goes on the Wii.


Edit: how about Contra, Donkey Kong, Galaga, Gauntlet, Genghis Kahn, Ghosts n' Goblins, Gradius, Lemmings, Mega Man 1-6, Punch Out, Ninja Gaiden 1-3, Paperboy 1-2, Pirates!, Prince of Persia, Q*bert, Rampage, Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1-2, Rygar, Shinobi, Skate or Die, Metal Gear, Smash TV, Street Fighter, Strider, 3 Mario games (although I only count 2 and the Wii will get a 2nd), TMNT 1-3, Ultima 3-5, Wizardry, and all the sports games that were the best at the time like RBI Baseball, Wayne Gretsky, Super Tecmo, etc. The Wii isn't going to have the best version of sports games.


 you do realize that the NES was already the age the Wii is when it was launched in NA... It came out in 83 in Japan (I think)

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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Hate to break it to you, but the 360 is not the Gen, it's the 360, and the PS3 is not the N64, it's the PS3. You were spot on about the Wii being the Wii, though.

leo-j said:
The wii's gaming library doesnt touch the NES

True, you shouldn't store disc-based games with cartridges, you could damage them.


RCTjunkie said:
Hate to break it to you, but the 360 is not the Gen, it's the 360, and the PS3 is not the N64, it's the PS3. You were spot on about the Wii being the Wii, though.

Oh, I see, this thread is actually starting to make sense now! :)

PS3= Sega Saturn, really nice system for the time but far to expensive for most gamers to get behind.

360 = xbox, large enough following to get multiplats but will never be the mainstream system.

Wii = PS1, owns a huge chunk of the marketshare due more to the mistakes of its rivals than actual abilities of the system.

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~flame said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
MontanaHatchet said:
All of these console comparisons end up falling on their faces. For all the similarities, there are also a lot of differences. Isn't it enough that the PS3 is the PS3 and the Xbox 360 is the Xbox 360?


You have to admit that the PS3's run is remarkably like the original Xbox.


not excatly my friend. i see it as PS3 playing catch up, shooters are very popular right now there trying to grab the shooter audience and migrate them to the PS3 since the original PS audience didn't give a crap about shooters back then.


Anyone who isnt in first or second is playing catchup. The PS3 is selling will because of 3 games and name value, period. The Xbox didnt sell originally because it didnt have the name value Sony had.

The 360 library is far more varied then the original xbox was. Plus the 360 is selling far more software then the xbox ever did.