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~flame said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
MontanaHatchet said:
All of these console comparisons end up falling on their faces. For all the similarities, there are also a lot of differences. Isn't it enough that the PS3 is the PS3 and the Xbox 360 is the Xbox 360?


You have to admit that the PS3's run is remarkably like the original Xbox.


not excatly my friend. i see it as PS3 playing catch up, shooters are very popular right now there trying to grab the shooter audience and migrate them to the PS3 since the original PS audience didn't give a crap about shooters back then.


Anyone who isnt in first or second is playing catchup. The PS3 is selling will because of 3 games and name value, period. The Xbox didnt sell originally because it didnt have the name value Sony had.