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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Awesome !!! Final fantasy 13 & Versus 13 Trailer .

No gameplay..... *Sighs*

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Anyone else notice that in the FF13 trailer, towards the end when they show the closeups of the 2 girls faces, "Lightning's" looks god damn fugly! (graphics wise), where as the close up of the other girl looks better (i.e could be CGI vs in-game engine).

You mean this?

It's because the red head is from the PS3 version and Lighting is from the 360 version. ;)

Those do look in-engine, now that you mention it.

The character models are gorgeous.

Hyams said

It's because the red head is from the PS3 version and Lighting is from the 360 version. ;)


Uh, it's because one is obviously in-game and the other is CGI, rofl. You can tell this from seeing Lightning in CGI all throughout the trailer.

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It was a joke...

But the red hed's picture is in-engine too. The difference in quality is probably just because it's an unfinished build of the game.

i do believe that both FFXIII and FFVXIII will be really huge. not just sales wise, im talking about the best FF too date.

Wow.. Interesting.. I've just been jolted with a slight spark of hype.

Khuutra said:
Kantor said:
I think Versus XIII looks better


This is a pretty common opinion in this thread.

I just wish I could tell whether it was a JRPG like FFXIII or an Action RPG ala Kingdom Hearts.

It's suppose to be a Action RPG, I'm just not sure if it's going to be like Kingdom of Hearts or just a completely new style of ARPG


Hmmm not saying they look bad but they're not exactly what I would prefer from a Final Fantasy game. I prefer the older ones, where worlds were more... Magical and medieval looking.

So far, FF13 interests me the most. This whole "fantasy based on reality" from Versus is a turn off to me. Plus character model recycled? One of the characters reminded me of Angeal...