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Forums - Sony Discussion - My experience with the Home Beta (an essay and a half, sorry guys :D )

So I get home around 3:00 PST, and just could not log on or anything xD I was getting these weird connection issues. So I said fuch it for now, I had some Resistance 2 to play anwyway :P

Anyways! I try it again later that night, and I log on with no problems. My connection was pretty stable and at no point did I ever really notice any slowdowns or framerate issues, which is good I think :P Maybe not too important seeing as how it's a social service to me, but hey whatever ^_^

There are a LOT of facial options... like... my god @_@ Making my character, made me realize just how little I know about my face structure LOL. One could probably spend an hour or so tweaking the face models to make something that looks just like you :P But I decided not to tweak out for too long, and made something that's just similar, not perfect ^^

I enter my living room, and the first thing I do is open my menu to check out all the stuff/options available to me. There are quite a few options in here! They have they're "phone a friend" system, a private inventory which contained a friggin badass bubble machine ;), a pretty functional friends list, game launching menu (which I couldn't launch anything from yet LOL ), a go-to location map, and all sorts of just neat stuff :P But whatever, I'm not here for that! Where's muh people!

So I click on the map, and I go to the Plaza, where the tutorial suggested I go :3. Then it promps me to download, so I say sure thing :D Do that in the background so I can check out my sweet moves ;) (Thank god it promps me to download because I have a feeling, SO MANY GAMES from here on out are going to have dedicated area's in home :D And I'd personally HATE to have all of that saved without choice on my hard drive :D, Like I'd ever visit a GRAW room ;/ HAH) So anyway! The plaza downloads pretty quickly, like a minute or so, and I'm off to the plaza!

I arrive at the plaza and look for the dance party going on :D And to my dismay, not too many people are dancing :/ But I did find a group of like 15 or so people doing it so I was like, "oh hell yes" and I started doing some body popping :D The guy's dancing were all doing the rave, and they told me I should join them in that dance, so using my awesome controler typing skillz (I didn't have keyboard synced xD, and at the time I didn't know you could voice chat :3 ), I humbly decline, and challenge them to a dance off. They decline and tell me I'm friggin weird LOL. Awesome :D I walk around and play the flying saucer game, see adds for Twighlight, talk to people, and have an overall decent time. I figured out how to speak while browsing around, and it payed off pretty well :D I figure I'll check out the Uncharted Room. So I promt it to download and browse around for another minute or so. Off I go!

Once I arrive at the Uncharted room, I notice this thing is PACKED. Like holy crap packed xD There are people huddled around all over the place having they're own private conversations :D So I walk around and browse the various features laying around the bar. I still find it weird that everyone's so profane, I'm seeing ****o like every I go :P And for the life of me I can't figure out what they're trying to say LOL. Then I realized, they're not being profane at all xD They're saying hello, it's just censoring the Hell LOLOL Omg, how gay! Anyways, I find this gentleman hovering around the bar, so I use my badass mic and greet him. He types to me the responses, and I ask him if he has a mic, he responds with no, but he has a keyboard plugged in, so I say back to him, that it's awesome, because I don't have a keyboard, but I have a mic :D We had an awesome conversation, and I tell him I'm off to go explore some more ^^ SO I head back to the Plaza.

That's when I saw, the coolest thing, I've almost ever seen in my entire life. It was like an explosion of crazy awesome, far much to contain in that split second. I saw an avatar, with his entire body, decked out like the mannequin in ECHOCHROME @_@ OH, MY GOD.... So I run up to this guy, and using my mic, I tell him he is the most badass thing I've ever friggin seen. He tosses out a great LOL and informs me of how I too, can become this awesome. So I thank this man, and he sends me a friend invite ^^ I accept with much gusto! And I've met my first new friend through home :D So I hurry my ass off to the Bowling alley!

Once arriving, I instantly head towards the arcade machines :D Along the way, I see some loading bars on the TV, which looks friggin awesome mind you, and then a video of the new chatpat is displayed, but I ignore that for now, I NEED THIS OUTFIT. So I find the echochrome booth, and alas.... IT IS OCCUPIED.... DAMN IT ALL >_E But there aren't many people standing around, so I'll watch my prey carefully @_@ I go watch the chat-pad commercial, which isn't bad actually ^^ And the machine opens up. MINE >_E. I play a round, then realize what I really have to do, then I play an I"m AWESOME, anyways, I finish up with a decent round, I capture like 17 of these forkers, then have it judge my score, then BAM, you've unlocked this, this, this this this this this, OMMMAMMMMMMMMGMGGGGGGGG TO THE WARDROBE.

So I deck myself out in awesome, and decide to go flaunt ;) Off to the Uncharted room!

So the MOMENT I arrive in the room, I hear 1 guy say in speech, "ok... what the fuck is that guy wearing" LOLOLOL So I do my guns emote, and the flex :D And Say in chat in return, "I know, I know... Jealous is just oozing out of your pores". He gives me a big laugh and asks where he to, can look this badass. I inform the man, and like 7 people leave the room to go achieve greatness :D THERE WILL BE MORE OF US!!!!!!!!!! I flaunt my goods, and go to the plaza to flaunt some more.

I get a LOT of passer by's that do in-home double takes LOL and I meet up with my friend from earlier, we decide to go stand around groups of people to creep them out :D It does, and it's awesome.

By this time, I've spent a good 2 and a half hours or so just being awesome :D And it is way past my bed-time. So I unfortunately, have to turn home off :(

For it being a beta, this thing is full of awesome, communication just rocks ^_^ And after checking out the Uncharted house, I can't wait  to see what other devs put out over time! The advertisement features are simply amazing, and I just can't wait till they get more of they're features up and running :) I will be launching this every time I turn on the PS3, I do hope they have an auto launch feature!

All in all, Home is already showing how much promise this is going to become as a service, as meeting people is already full of awesome ^_^ The game rooms just rock, and I haven't even tapped into much of what home has to offer :D If they were talking about trophies unlocking things in home, well I hate to say this, I will have become a trophy whore overnight. Home is awesome!



From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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out of are truly the age listed in your profile?

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

MrBubbles Review Threads: Bill Gates, Jak II, Kingdom Hearts II, The Strangers, Sly 2, Crackdown, Zohan, Quarantine, Klungo Sssavesss Teh World, MS@E3'08, WATCHMEN(movie), Shadow of the Colossus, The Saboteur

Absolutely ^^ I'm just a pretty happy guy in general :P Maybe a little energetic at times~

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Take that, English writing skills.

Nice run down none the less, it's good to see people's views of it before I attempt a lag filled session later when I get it. ah the joys and a crappy net connection. Guess I really do need a mic now, oh well.

Hmm, pie.

@The Fury, oh my writing isn't THAT bad is it? :P I thought it was coherent enough to follow anyway. It was written at like 6:30 in the morning with little sleep and no coffee, so bear with it!

A mic will make you seem like god :D So few people have them out there, it makes you look so snazzy ;)

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Around the Network

I love home.

I already had the Echochrome outfit since I was in the closed beta, but then it's gone. :'(

You also get items for playing the penguin game, but it's hardly as cool.

For those who want, you can create a JP PS Store account and download the Namco Museum beta from there, and unlock tons of cool things like ornaments for your house, the arcade cabinets for the games Pac-Man, Xevious, Galaga, and DigDug (for your house also), shirts for the four games, a Digdug hat, and Namco shorts.

It's a lot of fun being in home, lol.

ChronotriggerJM said:
@The Fury, oh my writing isn't THAT bad is it? :P I thought it was coherent enough to follow anyway. It was written at like 6:30 in the morning with little sleep and no coffee, so bear with it!

A mic will make you seem like god :D So few people have them out there, it makes you look so snazzy ;)

Okay, I'll give you that. 6:30 in the morning and it is readable just filled with text talk.

Official Headset is £20 in places, does anyone know if it can double for a phone bluetooth headset as well?


Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
@The Fury, oh my writing isn't THAT bad is it? :P I thought it was coherent enough to follow anyway. It was written at like 6:30 in the morning with little sleep and no coffee, so bear with it!

A mic will make you seem like god :D So few people have them out there, it makes you look so snazzy ;)

Okay, I'll give you that. 6:30 in the morning and it is readable just filled with text talk.

Official Headset is £20 in places, does anyone know if it can double for a phone bluetooth headset as well?


Yes it can.

I was thinking of getting one if I get SOCOM, but I really want the Chat-pad.  I'd use that much more, like when I'm internet browsing.

Sounds like you sure as hell had fun. Hope you continue to enjoy yourself.

4 ≈ One

I've read that any bluetooth headset would work with the PS3.

Except that the official sony one has noise cancellation or something like that to reduce incoming and outgoing noises (something like that). On top of that, it can be used as a headset for mobiles, so I'm going to pick up one (I don't own any bluetooth headset).