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So I get home around 3:00 PST, and just could not log on or anything xD I was getting these weird connection issues. So I said fuch it for now, I had some Resistance 2 to play anwyway :P

Anyways! I try it again later that night, and I log on with no problems. My connection was pretty stable and at no point did I ever really notice any slowdowns or framerate issues, which is good I think :P Maybe not too important seeing as how it's a social service to me, but hey whatever ^_^

There are a LOT of facial options... like... my god @_@ Making my character, made me realize just how little I know about my face structure LOL. One could probably spend an hour or so tweaking the face models to make something that looks just like you :P But I decided not to tweak out for too long, and made something that's just similar, not perfect ^^

I enter my living room, and the first thing I do is open my menu to check out all the stuff/options available to me. There are quite a few options in here! They have they're "phone a friend" system, a private inventory which contained a friggin badass bubble machine ;), a pretty functional friends list, game launching menu (which I couldn't launch anything from yet LOL ), a go-to location map, and all sorts of just neat stuff :P But whatever, I'm not here for that! Where's muh people!

So I click on the map, and I go to the Plaza, where the tutorial suggested I go :3. Then it promps me to download, so I say sure thing :D Do that in the background so I can check out my sweet moves ;) (Thank god it promps me to download because I have a feeling, SO MANY GAMES from here on out are going to have dedicated area's in home :D And I'd personally HATE to have all of that saved without choice on my hard drive :D, Like I'd ever visit a GRAW room ;/ HAH) So anyway! The plaza downloads pretty quickly, like a minute or so, and I'm off to the plaza!

I arrive at the plaza and look for the dance party going on :D And to my dismay, not too many people are dancing :/ But I did find a group of like 15 or so people doing it so I was like, "oh hell yes" and I started doing some body popping :D The guy's dancing were all doing the rave, and they told me I should join them in that dance, so using my awesome controler typing skillz (I didn't have keyboard synced xD, and at the time I didn't know you could voice chat :3 ), I humbly decline, and challenge them to a dance off. They decline and tell me I'm friggin weird LOL. Awesome :D I walk around and play the flying saucer game, see adds for Twighlight, talk to people, and have an overall decent time. I figured out how to speak while browsing around, and it payed off pretty well :D I figure I'll check out the Uncharted Room. So I promt it to download and browse around for another minute or so. Off I go!

Once I arrive at the Uncharted room, I notice this thing is PACKED. Like holy crap packed xD There are people huddled around all over the place having they're own private conversations :D So I walk around and browse the various features laying around the bar. I still find it weird that everyone's so profane, I'm seeing ****o like every I go :P And for the life of me I can't figure out what they're trying to say LOL. Then I realized, they're not being profane at all xD They're saying hello, it's just censoring the Hell LOLOL Omg, how gay! Anyways, I find this gentleman hovering around the bar, so I use my badass mic and greet him. He types to me the responses, and I ask him if he has a mic, he responds with no, but he has a keyboard plugged in, so I say back to him, that it's awesome, because I don't have a keyboard, but I have a mic :D We had an awesome conversation, and I tell him I'm off to go explore some more ^^ SO I head back to the Plaza.

That's when I saw, the coolest thing, I've almost ever seen in my entire life. It was like an explosion of crazy awesome, far much to contain in that split second. I saw an avatar, with his entire body, decked out like the mannequin in ECHOCHROME @_@ OH, MY GOD.... So I run up to this guy, and using my mic, I tell him he is the most badass thing I've ever friggin seen. He tosses out a great LOL and informs me of how I too, can become this awesome. So I thank this man, and he sends me a friend invite ^^ I accept with much gusto! And I've met my first new friend through home :D So I hurry my ass off to the Bowling alley!

Once arriving, I instantly head towards the arcade machines :D Along the way, I see some loading bars on the TV, which looks friggin awesome mind you, and then a video of the new chatpat is displayed, but I ignore that for now, I NEED THIS OUTFIT. So I find the echochrome booth, and alas.... IT IS OCCUPIED.... DAMN IT ALL >_E But there aren't many people standing around, so I'll watch my prey carefully @_@ I go watch the chat-pad commercial, which isn't bad actually ^^ And the machine opens up. MINE >_E. I play a round, then realize what I really have to do, then I play an I"m AWESOME, anyways, I finish up with a decent round, I capture like 17 of these forkers, then have it judge my score, then BAM, you've unlocked this, this, this this this this this, OMMMAMMMMMMMMGMGGGGGGGG TO THE WARDROBE.

So I deck myself out in awesome, and decide to go flaunt ;) Off to the Uncharted room!

So the MOMENT I arrive in the room, I hear 1 guy say in speech, "ok... what the fuck is that guy wearing" LOLOLOL So I do my guns emote, and the flex :D And Say in chat in return, "I know, I know... Jealous is just oozing out of your pores". He gives me a big laugh and asks where he to, can look this badass. I inform the man, and like 7 people leave the room to go achieve greatness :D THERE WILL BE MORE OF US!!!!!!!!!! I flaunt my goods, and go to the plaza to flaunt some more.

I get a LOT of passer by's that do in-home double takes LOL and I meet up with my friend from earlier, we decide to go stand around groups of people to creep them out :D It does, and it's awesome.

By this time, I've spent a good 2 and a half hours or so just being awesome :D And it is way past my bed-time. So I unfortunately, have to turn home off :(

For it being a beta, this thing is full of awesome, communication just rocks ^_^ And after checking out the Uncharted house, I can't wait  to see what other devs put out over time! The advertisement features are simply amazing, and I just can't wait till they get more of they're features up and running :) I will be launching this every time I turn on the PS3, I do hope they have an auto launch feature!

All in all, Home is already showing how much promise this is going to become as a service, as meeting people is already full of awesome ^_^ The game rooms just rock, and I haven't even tapped into much of what home has to offer :D If they were talking about trophies unlocking things in home, well I hate to say this, I will have become a trophy whore overnight. Home is awesome!



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