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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Looking back at 2008 and forward to 2009 IGN Wii feature

IGN has a Wii Year in Review 2008 feature going that has some interesting incite into the year that was. More interesting, at least for me, is the little tid bit below..

Wii owners can look forward to some exciting announcements from third-parties like Electronic Arts, Konami and Ubisoft. We know of at least two major EA and Konami IPs that Wii fans are going to flip over when they become official and Ubisoft has titles like Red Steel 2 in the works, not to mention previously unknown efforts like TMNT, which are sure to satisfy the hardcore. And rest assured, Capcom will have some unexpected big guns of its own. Trust us when we write that Wii owners will not be disappointed.

So we have confirmation of at least two major EA and Konami IP's and a few worthwhile capcom games.. Sounds good, if not a little expected, to me :)


Full article available at:


Around the Network

One EA title is a Tennis game, hopefully with M+.

Konami will probably be Elebits 2 and maybe Metal Gear (not Solid) or Suikoden.

Capcom has Spyborgs and probably Umbrella Chronicles 2. Maybe a new 3rd person RE (*pray for RE2 remake*).

Looking good, can't wait for official announcements.

What other big EA IP's would make Wii owners flip? I don't think tennis would.. Unless it was amazing :P

Konami, Elebits wouldn't make many flip, Metal Gear certainly would and I'd love to see a different take on the series with motion controls but I don't see it happening..

Capcom.. Hoping for a new Resident Evil game..


EA? Give me Syndicate on the Wii, and all is forgiven :)

Konami... Silent Hill would be cool, as would a Metal Gear game... although I'd prefer a new Suikoden

Capcom... after how successful RE4 was - give us a "proper" upgrade to the RE4 engine (i.e. actually improve the tech!), and give us a new RE title (not just a shooter please :P).

Although a full-on, 3D Megaman adventure title could be cool (as would a 2D one). Like a Wii version of the Megaman titles that has done so well on the DS/GBA...

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BengaBenga said:
One EA title is a Tennis game, hopefully with M+.

Konami will probably be Elebits 2 and maybe Metal Gear (not Solid) or Suikoden.

Capcom has Spyborgs and probably Umbrella Chronicles 2. Maybe a new 3rd person RE (*pray for RE2 remake*).

Looking good, can't wait for official announcements.


 I though the other game was Harry potter Wii as the main console? If  not then we could have MOH: H3 exclusive on the Wii? 

@shams---> What is syndicate?

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

Around the Network

@ Yushire.. How is Harry Potter a major IP that will make Wii owners flip? We already know about it!

- Boom Blox 2
- All Play Series w/M+
- Suda51 Project
- Harry Potter w/M+
- Spore, Sims
- Rockband 3
- EA Sports Active
- New tennis IP w/M+

Would you be suprised by these?

Perhaps a from-the-ground-up Medal of Honour would make Wii owners flip?


puffy said:
@ Yushire.. How is Harry Potter a major IP that will make Wii owners flip? We already know about it!

- Boom Blox 2
- All Play Series w/M+
- Suda51 Project
- Harry Potter w/M+
- Spore, Sims
- Rockband 3
- EA Sports Active
- New tennis IP w/M+

Would you be suprised by these?

Perhaps a from-the-ground-up Medal of Honour would make Wii owners flip?


I mentioned Harry potter because its the only news I knew about new on EA about the wii. Boom Blox 2 I already knew and Im expecting it, Im more flip about the suda51 project but we're not sure about if its for HD consoles or for the Wii. I will flip for sure about ground up MOH: H3 though...

As for the rest of the titles, its as expected I didnt care about Rockband 3 personally.

And whats syndicate? :?

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

I think they are talking about that new Nascar Kart racer and Boom Blox 2 for EA. The Capcom games, it seems, they are just hoping for something, nothing confirmed yet.

I wonder if the 2 games IGN mentioned wasnt the tennis thing or Boom Blox or NASCAR KArt racing, a different IP seejm possible because IGN didnt mentioned about it. A surprise IP perhaps? Tiberium FPS on the Wii?

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

Megaton from EA: Ninja Reflex 2 xD
Megaton from Konami: Metal Gear Novel Party
Megaton from Capcom: Monster Hunter 3 port for PSP

--> I don't trust any of this companies anymore.