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IGN has a Wii Year in Review 2008 feature going that has some interesting incite into the year that was. More interesting, at least for me, is the little tid bit below..

Wii owners can look forward to some exciting announcements from third-parties like Electronic Arts, Konami and Ubisoft. We know of at least two major EA and Konami IPs that Wii fans are going to flip over when they become official and Ubisoft has titles like Red Steel 2 in the works, not to mention previously unknown efforts like TMNT, which are sure to satisfy the hardcore. And rest assured, Capcom will have some unexpected big guns of its own. Trust us when we write that Wii owners will not be disappointed.

So we have confirmation of at least two major EA and Konami IP's and a few worthwhile capcom games.. Sounds good, if not a little expected, to me :)


Full article available at: