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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How bad has square enix been for sony this gen

chasmatic12 said:
SnowWhitesDrug said:
I will get it on ps3 because I just couldnt imagen playing it on a 360, it would be like playing mario on anything other then a nintendo system :(

You do know that Final Fantasy started on a Nintendo system, right?


 lol of course I do, but I've never played it on a nintendo system, I only had FF8 on pc years and years ago, but its gone now, I dont know where :S :( and apart form that all my final fantasy thoughts have been play station related.

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

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Square Enix are still bringing FF XIII to PS3 and F XIII Versus remains PS3 exclusive for now. Big deal Square Enix makes some games XBox 360 exclusive because MS has paid them to help grow XBox 360 brand in a Sony/ Nintendo dominated market.
Competition is always a good thing. It helps the video game industry grow as a whole.

im sensing that no one likes my decision to go with sony on this one lol if it makes you feel any better I still have more games on my wii and my ps3 catalogue will now only be equal to my 360 cat :) And dont worry, when I get Fable II I will once again have an extra game on my 360 making me less of a sony supporter. But who knows what the future may hold after Fable II :p hehe

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

"im sensing that no one likes my decision to go with sony on this one"

Wrong. It's that your reason is BS. If it was just because you preferred it on there, that would be okay.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Gatorgamer88 said:

It you havent heard Final Fantasy XIII has gone multiplat.

Which is a joke, i mean square enix might as well have slapped Sony in the face. I know its a business move and now xbox will get to see why playstation used to dominate. But i mean all sony has ever done is make square money. But the real reason i am writing this is to get some opinions on how bad this move is for sony. I mean obvioulsy FFXIII will sell double or triple on PS3 and have better graphics, etc as it was originally made for Ps3 but how much has sony lost here? And FFXIII Versus is probably on the way, because we all know how believeable Square is. Maybe while White Knight Chronicles will save the RPG genre for PS3


Wow, talk about seeing the glass as half empty


Square has brought its biggest franchise to the console with the lowest userbase


It sounds like Square Enix is being extremely generous to Sony, no-one would have blamed them (well, you would but who cares) if Square had returned FFXIII to the true home of FF games - Nintendo consoles

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If FF13 was exclusive to the ps3 I and millions of other 360 only owners wouldn't get to play. That is why its multi-platform.

Madanial said:
SE doing business,they neither friend nor brother with Sony.SE just goes anywhere that make money.

Same as make FFVII for PS and leave N64 behind.


I love it when the misinformed use this, that way I can set it straight.....again.

Square did not leave Nintendo in search of better profits, if anything Nintend would have been able to offer them more in actual incentive. This was a day in age where Square cared more about quality then profits. Square had already developed their game, FFVII, for CD format as the N64 was meant to have a disc drive add on. After Nintendo decided that idea would be scraped in order to keep the system economically pleasing(cheap) Square would be at a loss. Do they start from scratch on a hindering format and console? Or go to the stronger more powerful console which also uses the CD format. DING! and Square and Sony lived happily ever after.

You see, Nintendo started the issue that caused them to abandon them, as a matter of fact, Square did not do business with Nintendo for a while until their leadership changed.

This Time of course it is very different. Sony has been doing plenty with supplying SE with the best tools and such to make a game on PS3 work. Yea, the 360 userbase is bigger, but it also came out a year before so that is a duh. Userbase means nothing if it is not your target audience, which it is not. After the onlsaught PS3 was putting on 360 for almost a year, MS had to do something about it. That is where E3 came in, and it has been a nightmare ever since.

None of their new IPs are any good.

Sales down 74% for SE.

Userbase is simply not catching hold on 360

There best selling title was for the PSP,Crisis Core. WHo knew that a SE RPG would sell well on a PS system?

THey have yet to put out a PS3 game which is where their fanbase is

They have blatently lied to fans all around and lost many of their approval and devotion

They just all around sux right now.

There saving grace?

Tetsuya Nomura, for without him I would shun them as would many PS3 owners. They have done us and themeselves no justice this gen.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

At least PS3 is getting FFXIII (can't say the same for KH3 though). Personally I think Dragon Quest X is a bigger blow because Japan is the region PS3 needs the most saving in, and the one game that could do it went exclusively to the Wii.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

FaRmLaNd said:
If FF13 was exclusive to the ps3 I and millions of other 360 only owners wouldn't get to play. That is why its multi-platform.


No, you , and millions of other 360 owners would have bought PS3s, one way or another. Dont pull that crap. If you are a fan of the series you WERE goingto buy a PS3, until the MP thing, no use denying it. Yea  its exspensive, but you would have found a way to get it just how you got your 360. It really is not that hard to figure out.

PS2 took up an estimated 80% of the userbase last gen. It was cheaper then Xbox was. FF games of late on average sell about 5million. Do you really think that if it was multiplat then that another 5million people were going to miraculously appear as fans on the XBOX for it. NO. USerbase does not equal sales unless your taget audience is included. If XIII is good its good, it will sell 5mill+, but it would have been just the same if it was on PS3. Maybe 10% less at the most. Is that 10% worth shelling out man power to work on an adjacent title so it can "widen userbase"?

The whole MP equals Sales logic is flawed....




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

chasmatic12 said:
SnowWhitesDrug said:
I will get it on ps3 because I just couldnt imagen playing it on a 360, it would be like playing mario on anything other then a nintendo system :(

You do know that Final Fantasy started on a Nintendo system, right?


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