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FaRmLaNd said:
If FF13 was exclusive to the ps3 I and millions of other 360 only owners wouldn't get to play. That is why its multi-platform.


No, you , and millions of other 360 owners would have bought PS3s, one way or another. Dont pull that crap. If you are a fan of the series you WERE goingto buy a PS3, until the MP thing, no use denying it. Yea  its exspensive, but you would have found a way to get it just how you got your 360. It really is not that hard to figure out.

PS2 took up an estimated 80% of the userbase last gen. It was cheaper then Xbox was. FF games of late on average sell about 5million. Do you really think that if it was multiplat then that another 5million people were going to miraculously appear as fans on the XBOX for it. NO. USerbase does not equal sales unless your taget audience is included. If XIII is good its good, it will sell 5mill+, but it would have been just the same if it was on PS3. Maybe 10% less at the most. Is that 10% worth shelling out man power to work on an adjacent title so it can "widen userbase"?

The whole MP equals Sales logic is flawed....




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)