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Forums - General Discussion - Regarding NIN music used at Guantanamo Bay for torture

It's difficult for me to imagine anything more profoundly insulting, demeaning and enraging than discovering music you've put your heart and soul into creating has been used for purposes of torture.
If there are any legal options that can be realistically taken they will be aggressively pursued, with any potential monetary gains donated to human rights charities.
Thank GOD this country has appeared to side with reason and we can put the Bush administration's reign of power, greed, lawlessness and madness behind us. TR   --

ROAR! show em Trent.

This is really idiotic..using music (art) as a form of torture..

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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What'd I miss?

Torture using NIN?

DMeisterJ said:
What'd I miss?

Torture using NIN?

Yea apperently it's on the news lately. They use hard or heavy (or offensive) music to torture the inmates there in Guantanamo Bay. Imagine a cell, with a few speakers, and nothing else..


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


His music is that horrible?


wfz said:
His music is that horrible?


Shut the hell up, thank you.


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Around the Network

God that is really sad. Libs won't give anything up until they are all released.

Hey guys--- Idea---- Bring out the waterboard, I have some new recruits! lol lol lol

Any music, no matter how pleasant or how much you like it, can be used as a torture ...

If you played the same song over and over again for 18 hours at a volume loud enough that it made it impossible for a person to ignore or block out it would be an effective torture. The choice of NIN (or any other music) is probably because it will instantly be seen in a negative light by their captives.

i agree... that is torture...being made to listen to their music like that. id crack after 10 minutes.

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LOL! when did they stop using white noise then?

Its the trick hand technique. While the rest of the Bush administration walk off in to the sunset, and get pardoned or unpunished, everyone else is conveniently distracted by some insignificant story about a soundtrack.

Let me tell you, what these people did should be punished, if it was Iran no doubt the UN would be interested, and the ability to make 2 different rules for yourselves and others won't save history from acknowledging the truth.

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