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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who thinks FFXIV will come to wii?

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im a bit surprised that the Wii dosent have a FF game series of it's own SE loves milkage. soo..

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

BengaBenga said:
RPG said:
Rei said:
I suppose the next announced PS3 project from SE will stop these talks then.


In Japan PS3 is doing badly but still good enough to have a few million sellers, by the time FFXIII releases FFXIII should easily sell 1-2 million there. We will see more FF games on the PS3, question is if it will be a flagship game or not. Before this generation ends though the Wii will get it's own spin off as will the DS.


Everything under 2 million is a dissapointment for FF in Japan. I don't think it will sell over 1.5 million there though. Worldwide it will definitely a success. I think I even have a bet with naz that it will sell more on 360 in the US then on PS3.

FF is not Mario, it cant just turn around, completely change and still stay popular. There are things that make FF game an FF, and Wii does not provide a way to make a game up to the franchise's standards.

I take it you hate all the previous FFs, because they aren't up to the franchise's standard?

I'd say 2.6 at least.

I mean FF6 on the SNES did 2.5 Mil in Japan.

FF12 was the lowest since at 2.4... not counting the International Jobsversion which sold .11 in Japan for a grand total of 2.51

A flagship first of it's generation Final Fantasy should be pushing more like 3-3.5 at this point in Japan.

11ht11 said:
Shadowblind said:


Anyway, I doubt it. A huge part of the Final Fantasy main series is the graphics and presentation.


so why werent the final fantasys last gen on the xbox or cube?

PS2 was more than capable of amazing graphics for it's time. Wii is not.

Plus, FFXIII is already on the HD consoles. Motion control adds nothing to RPG's. Why anyone would want FFXIV as a Wii exclusive is beyond me. It'd be a step backwards in every way imagineable.

BengaBenga said:

Don't forget this one, it's really cool: I won't pass judgement on people who visit that site of course, but there's no way in hell you're getting me to click a link that has gaygamer in it.

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
11ht11 said:
Shadowblind said:


Anyway, I doubt it. A huge part of the Final Fantasy main series is the graphics and presentation.


so why werent the final fantasys last gen on the xbox or cube?

PS2 was more than capable of amazing graphics for it's time. Wii is not.

Plus, FFXIII is already on the HD consoles. Motion control adds nothing to RPG's. Whyanyone would want FFXIV as a Wii exclusive is beyond me. It'd be a step backwards in every way imagineable.

Less money to graphics = more money to everything else when it comes to your flagship titles.

Everything else > Graphics.


--OkeyDokey-- said:
11ht11 said:
Shadowblind said:


Anyway, I doubt it. A huge part of the Final Fantasy main series is the graphics and presentation.


so why werent the final fantasys last gen on the xbox or cube?

PS2 was more than capable of amazing graphics for it's time. Wii is not.

Plus, FFXIII is already on the HD consoles. Motion control adds nothing to RPG's. Why anyone would want FFXIV as a Wii exclusive is beyond me. It'd be a step backwards in every way imagineable.

Except for story, characterization, writing, music composition, and surplus of financing spent in order to improve upon the aforementioned.

Yes, there are definite advantages to being on a weaker platform.

wfz said:
BengaBenga said:

Don't forget this one, it's really cool: I won't pass judgement on people who visit that site of course, but there's no way in hell you're getting me to click a link that has gaygamer in it.


why? to manly for the site?

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

Kasz216 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
11ht11 said:
Shadowblind said:


Anyway, I doubt it. A huge part of the Final Fantasy main series is the graphics and presentation.


so why werent the final fantasys last gen on the xbox or cube?

PS2 was more than capable of amazing graphics for it's time. Wii is not.

Plus, FFXIII is already on the HD consoles. Motion control adds nothing to RPG's. Whyanyone would want FFXIV as a Wii exclusive is beyond me. It'd be a step backwards in every way imagineable.

Less money to graphics = more money to everything else when it comes to your flagship titles.

Everything else > Graphics.


Well, if that makes you feel better...

Aw he changed the link into the actual picture, now my entire post is ruined. =(

I was kidding anyway, I just couldn't help but make a bit of a sarcastic post after reading that link. I never even heard of, and I don't know why they'd make a site like that unless the content was mainly male video game characters gettin it on with each other.