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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who thinks FFXIV will come to wii?

Khuutra said:
Why do people think Final Fantasy is about graphics, all of a sudden? It never has been. It never was. It's traditionally been on the least powerful system in every generation except for this one.

Square follows money.

Why did square go with the systems they did?  The started with FF on the NES, then developed FFII and FFIII on the NES.  They then went to SNES for FFIV, FFV and FFVI.  I think they went with SNES because SNES and Genesis were almost the same and they already had a fanbase with Nintendo.  Then they faced a dilema, N64 or PSone.  They went with PSone because the CDs could store enough space for cutscenes.  In this sense, PSone has better graphics.  Hence, there is where FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX went.  Then, when PS2 came out, it was the best looking system and wasn't falling apart (I don't know when Dreamcast entered the fray).  Plus, their dedicated fanbase moved to PS2 when they and almost every other JRPG maker was making games for Sony.  Plus, Nintendo was seriously pissed off at them for leaving their system.  PS2 got FFX, FFXI and FFXII.  Note that their main reason for leaving Nintendo in the first place seemed to be the ability for PS to store cutscenes, making thier games look better.  For that reason, I think graphics are very important to Square when they make a FF game.  Plus, their gameplay hasn't been that great recently, and they have to make it up with something.



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BengaBenga said:
Soriku said:
BengaBenga said:
Soriku said:
BengaBenga said:
I really don't think we'll see FF14 this gen.

Think about it: Earliest it will be end 2009 in Japan and then earliest June 2010 in the West. I expect next generation to start 2011 or 2012. A new Final Fantasy takes at least 3 years to develop. And in the meanwhile they still have versus to finish.

Anyway: it will not be on Wii. Final Fantasy is very much based on the graphics, so I really don't think they'll take a step backwards.

WiiHD could very well be possible though.


They did that with DQ IX. Moved from PS2 to DS. The DQ series isn't as graphic heavy as FF, but still, it just shows they don't care about graphics ultimately as many seem to think, and rather care about sales potential.


Dragon Quest was never about graphics.
Final Fantasy however has a fanbase that cares about the graphics and amzing futuristic fantasy designs. If 13 would have been on wii it wouldn't have been a problem, but i don't see them switching platform during the generation, partly because 13 will create a fanbase on the PS360 and partly because of the graphical backwards step of the series.

I definitely think Wii will see a chapter in the XIII series though.



The graphic heavy fanbase was only formed this gen. Not an evergrowing/ongoing fanbase that started when the first FF came out or something.

But still, I don't expect XIV out this gen either way. I bet we'll see a Wii FF XIII game too.


Uhm, no. Sure VII looks awful, but the movies in the game were something never seen before on consoles. I don't even know on PC's. Really, the FF series is well known for great graphics. I hate 12, but it's one of the best looking last gen games and that on the weakest console.

FFXII looks horrible on an LCDTV.  Most of my GameCube games look better than that.  I think it is because of PS2's hardware limitations; It wasn't designed with HDTV in mind.


Senlis said:
Khuutra said:
Why do people think Final Fantasy is about graphics, all of a sudden? It never has been. It never was. It's traditionally been on the least powerful system in every generation except for this one.

Square follows money.

Why did square go with the systems they did?  The started with FF on the NES, then developed FFII and FFIII on the NES.  They then went to SNES for FFIV, FFV and FFVI.  I think they went with SNES because SNES and Genesis were almost the same and they already had a fanbase with Nintendo.  Then they faced a dilema, N64 or PSone.  They went with PSone because the CDs could store enough space for cutscenes.  In this sense, PSone has better graphics.  Hence, there is where FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX went.  Then, when PS2 came out, it was the best looking system and wasn't falling apart (I don't know when Dreamcast entered the fray).  Plus, their dedicated fanbase moved to PS2 when they and almost every other JRPG maker was making games for Sony.  Plus, Nintendo was seriously pissed off at them for leaving their system.  PS2 got FFX, FFXI and FFXII.  Note that their main reason for leaving Nintendo in the first place seemed to be the ability for PS to store cutscenes, making thier games look better.  For that reason, I think graphics are very important to Square when they make a FF game.  Plus, their gameplay hasn't been that great recently, and they have to make it up with something.


Yes they dropped Nintendo for the sake of being able to use CDs, I'm not arguing that, but it's not because they were devoted to graphics. It's because they knew that FMVs would make them more money. They were right!

It didn't matter during the PS2 gen, because Sony's juggernaut was basically unstoppable and all the consoles could show FMVs (the Wii to a lesser extent). All Square was doing was following the money.

The same is true of this gen. They just bet on the wrong horse. If Square had known that the Wii was goign to dominate like it has, especially in Japan, there would be no Final Fantasy XIII coming to the HD consoles, because there's more money to be made on the Wii.

Soriku you don't get to talk about FFXII's graphics young man go to your room >:|

1st. Final Fantasy series DO care about the graphics since SNES. FF7 may be hideous looking but it was at the time the best-looking JRPG, do you think FF7 would have huge better graphics if it was on the 64??? 64 would improve some things in the 3d engine but would screw up in other things like the textures and the FMVs, and they still would look like legos (FF8 was the 1st one to have life-size characters, that's Square's move, not Sony, not Ninty)... Square didn't decide to go alone on sales, Ninty alienated some companies with the cartridge problem, i would like to see how good FF8 would turn out in the 64 without the 4-CD storage...

BTW, overall the SNES was the most powerful console, so it's not a fact that the FF games go always with the least-powerful...

2nd. Hardware sales does not guarantee software sales, we'll se if FF13 sales are enough to justify them on the HD consoles, the call will be made when it goes out on every region, and remember, FF series is the SE's best-selling series worldwide...

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Khuutra said:
Why do people think Final Fantasy is about graphics, all of a sudden? It never has been. It never was. It's traditionally been on the least powerful system in every generation except for this one.

Square follows money.



how is it not about graphics?  The last few Final Fantasy games with each release set a new standard for graphics on the system at the time, as well with the cutscenes. Yes a game like God Of War had a more raw graphical appeal,  but in terms of the all encompassing aspect of graphics, FF usually raises the bar.

Also, the difference between an Xbox and PS2 graphics wise is much smaller then the Wii and 360/PS3

Lastly, graphics aside, both new FF games are trying to accomplish something new with their respective battle systems from a technical standpoint (especially Versus) that was not possible in prior generations.

Final Fantasy with each release keeps pushing the envelope in certain areas and putting FFXIV on the Wii would be a step back. It's not like they have to worry about sales, it's still gonna sell 8M - 9M on the PS3/360 easily.


Soriku said:
Khuutra said:
Soriku you don't get to talk about FFXII's graphics young man go to your room >:|


Sorry Khuutra, but FF XII's graphics aren't very impressive :P KH2 and GoW2 look better.

You can say that when you get past the Estersands.

Come on, of course we will see another FF this gen, every gen before this saw at least 3 FF's and various spin-offs. It's highly improbable that SE will let their current gen tech die before capitalizing on the money. There will be a FFXIV and it will go to the HD platforms. But a side story(s) will definitely be there for another console.

I agree with the posters that think that FFXIV will not be released this generation. FFXIII and all of its spinoffs will likely take the whole generation for SE to release. Given the domination of the Wii this generation, I wouldn't be surprised to see FFXIV on Nintendo's next gen platform.

Stats87 said:
Khuutra said:
Why do people think Final Fantasy is about graphics, all of a sudden? It never has been. It never was. It's traditionally been on the least powerful system in every generation except for this one.

Square follows money.



how is it not about graphics?  The last few Final Fantasy games with each release set the new standard for graphics on the system at the time, as well with the cutscenes.

Also, the difference between an Xbox and PS2 graphics wise is much smaller then the Wii and 360/PS3

Lastly, graphics aside, both new FF games are trying to accomplish something new with their respective battle systems  from a technical standpoint (especially Versus) that was not possible in prior generations.

Final Fantasy with each release keeps pushing the envelope in certain areas and putting FFXIV on the Wii would be a step back. It's not like they have to worry about sales, it's still gonna sell 8M - 9M on the PS3/360 easily.


This is the most important phrase in your whole post: yes, they will push the hardware to its craziest limits, but they do not go to the heartiest hardware. Dragon Quest 8 did the same thing with the PS2! But Dragon Quest is not about graphics either.

The size of the difference is irrelevant.

....Something new with the battle system that wasn't possible in previous generations? ....Mind explaining that one?

It pushes the envelope in areas, yes, but only onoe of those areas is graphics and it is far and away the most dispensible.

Also I think your prediction for the sales is a might bit high.