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1st. Final Fantasy series DO care about the graphics since SNES. FF7 may be hideous looking but it was at the time the best-looking JRPG, do you think FF7 would have huge better graphics if it was on the 64??? 64 would improve some things in the 3d engine but would screw up in other things like the textures and the FMVs, and they still would look like legos (FF8 was the 1st one to have life-size characters, that's Square's move, not Sony, not Ninty)... Square didn't decide to go alone on sales, Ninty alienated some companies with the cartridge problem, i would like to see how good FF8 would turn out in the 64 without the 4-CD storage...

BTW, overall the SNES was the most powerful console, so it's not a fact that the FF games go always with the least-powerful...

2nd. Hardware sales does not guarantee software sales, we'll se if FF13 sales are enough to justify them on the HD consoles, the call will be made when it goes out on every region, and remember, FF series is the SE's best-selling series worldwide...