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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who thinks FFXIV will come to wii?

DQX was just announced to be a wii title. Do you think FFXIV is next? Please give reasons for whatever console you think it's coming to if not the wii.

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Im sure it will be 360 exclusive.




Anyway, I doubt it. A huge part of the Final Fantasy main series is the graphics and presentation.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Shadowblind said:


Anyway, I doubt it. A huge part of the Final Fantasy main series is the graphics and presentation.

Not really. That idea was pretty much only invented for FFXIII. Final Fantasy, like Dragon Quest, follows the money.

As to FFXIV coming to the Wii? Hard to say. Hard to say. They'd have to finish up FFXIII before we can start talking about that sort of thing.

Unless it's being developed by former Quest employees!

FF is more focused on graphics than DQ or KH (which I think is a given on Wii at this point) so I would be surprised to see the main series, at least, come to Wii but then again, it all depends on how much Wii dominates in Japan. If the lead is substancial enough, it could happen.

SE will likely make that call after FFXIII is released though and see what sort of sales it generates.


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I can see it going three-way multiplatform next generation.

Will Nintendo console be the lead sku? Good chance. The way I see it their console next gen will be HD certainly. So say for example their console is still considerably underpowered, they can just port the game over to other consoles no problem.


Why do people think Final Fantasy is about graphics, all of a sudden? It never has been. It never was. It's traditionally been on the least powerful system in every generation except for this one.

Square follows money.

The Wii2 (or Wii3) maybe...

Why would it? Clearly userbase alone doesn't determine whether the sales are good are bad. In general, third party games don't sell very well on Wii while they do on the HD consoles. Besides, Final Fantasy has been a game to take advantage of the tech its on since VII, and so the HD consoles are a good choice. It is also likely that many Final Fantasy fans own an HD console already.

RolStoppable said:
Khuutra said:
Why do people think Final Fantasy is about graphics, all of a sudden? It never has been. It never was. It's traditionally been on the least powerful system in every generation except for this one.

Square follows money.

Because the gameplay and stories of the recent games sucked, while the graphics didn't.

Don't take this too serious.
