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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 price tag 119 Euro (including 19% taxes)

kitler53 said:
the thing is cheaper than the ps2 and still the wii is outselling it by almost 2:1. 360 fans better live it up these next couple of weeks cause next year the 360 won't have anywhere to go but waay down in sales.

And the system that is more expensive is being outsold 4:1 by the Wii...looks like Sony should do something about that in their "strongest" territory maybe...

OT: Nice low price for the Arcade; hopefully, it allows more people to pick it up at a great price.


starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

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No doubt about it, the strength of the yen vs the dollar and euro lately, something neither Sony or Microsoft can control, is harming Sony's ability to price competitively w/ Microsoft.

Last few years the average was around 120 yen to 1 dollar.  (So if Sony made a sale in dollars, they'd get 120 yen per dollar of the sale.)  Currently it's only 91 yen per dollar.  It's way hard to drop prices in foreign currencies when your currency is much stronger than the historical average.

By contrast, Microsoft's sales in yen and euros bring in historically more dollars than average lately, allowing them to agressively drop prices abroad.

Thanks MikeB for looking it up for me.. cause it is strange that in Eindhoven had a different price... I gonna buy mine at saturn (same owner of mediamarkt) in Rotterdam cause I have to go there for work later this week.. Same 119 price..

That's really great value...


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

heh funny, here in germany the metro group (Saturn, Media Markt, Real, ...) is known for it's high prices (and stupid adverts)

guess they don't need to make really low prices in their home market, where they are more established


Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

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That's really, really cheap.

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