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Forums - Sales Discussion - When Will PS3 Pass 360 in WW sales?

well i'm gonna say never. Guess that xbox guy who said they were gonna beat PS3 was correct. I even thought that was a rediculous claim for him to make at the time, but wow look at it now.

oh and neat thing i just saw today.

Wii american number's have now outsold PS3 worldwide numbers

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I have to say it's looking like that it will never happen but if it does it will in November of 2010...

Former something....

irstupid said:
well i'm gonna say never. Guess that xbox guy who said they were gonna beat PS3 was correct. I even thought that was a rediculous claim for him to make at the time, but wow look at it now.

oh and neat thing i just saw today.

Wii american number's have now outsold PS3 worldwide numbers

Now that is just sad...


Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


I predicted Q3 2010 a couple of months ago.

Now I'm pretty sure the PS3 won't ever pass the 360.

Goddbless said:
irstupid said:
well i'm gonna say never. Guess that xbox guy who said they were gonna beat PS3 was correct. I even thought that was a rediculous claim for him to make at the time, but wow look at it now.

oh and neat thing i just saw today.

Wii american number's have now outsold PS3 worldwide numbers

Now that is just sad...


LOL you should see end of last generations sales. That's if you can count the last generation over, what with PS2 still selling and all.


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Unfortunately, I think Sony has fumbled, stumbled, and priced themselves into last place.

I buy consoles for their games... not the other way around.

When the PS3 Slim comes out

perpride said:
Goddbless said:
irstupid said:
well i'm gonna say never. Guess that xbox guy who said they were gonna beat PS3 was correct. I even thought that was a rediculous claim for him to make at the time, but wow look at it now.

oh and neat thing i just saw today.

Wii american number's have now outsold PS3 worldwide numbers

Now that is just sad...


LOL you should see end of last generations sales. That's if you can count the last generation over, what with PS2 still selling and all.


Thats exactly why it is so sad.


IMO even if Sony drops the price $100 in March the HD race is over. If they do, I'm sure MS will react accordingly. I'd expect MS to drop the pro to 250 w/games or replace arcade with the pro. Most troubling for Sony is it finally looks like the 360 brand has hit mainstream in "others".

And to anyone who thinks the PS3 will outlast the 360 -- the 10 year plan is dead... no retailer is going to waste shelf space on a 3rd place console 8-10 years after it's release with next gen consoles selling. That shelf space with be reserved for the "last gen" winner (wii).

Personally I think the more challenging question is - starting 1/1/09 will the PS3 outsell the 360 until the end of this gen?

It all depends on how much XB360 will widen the gap this Xmas: it has still little room left for price cuts, while PS3 still has a lot, so, while this Xmas XB360 is going to rock and most probably will sell very well for the rest of its life, we still have to see PS3's full sales potential, the cut to $300 will be only the beginning: but barring miracles, PS3 won't have a chance to be 2nd before Xmas 2009. Anyway PS3 won't be able to catch Wii, not for the next 4 years at least, maybe it will catch it if it will keep on selling acceptably more than two years after Wii's sales end.



Retailers will give to PS3 and its games the shelf space justified by sales, they still give space to PS2, that now is selling less than every other console commercially available (but not bad at all). If Sony sticks to the 10 year plan developers won't be disappointed at all, like they aren't with PS2, obviosly PS3 must exceed 50million user base by 2011 end for this to happen, but even at the current sales rate it's not difficult at all. And again, 10 years PS3 life doesn'mean that PS4 will be released 10 years after PS3, it will happen very unlikely after 5 years, most probably after 6-7 years.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
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