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Forums - General Discussion - It's SNOWING in NEW ORLEANS!

Argh.. I hate you all. Its still 70 degrees here in Orlando, FL and muggy :(
Even New Orleans gets snow. Yeesh.

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No snow for us in NC. It's just raining cats and dogs right now. Depressing! I would love to see some snow.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

It's raining at am impressive rate here, I wish it would turn to snow. [NY]


I blame global warming!

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Nice we had snow in Georgia last week only for about 15mins ...suppose to snow tonight to don't look like it though, just been pouring all damn day.

Around the Network
Wetcoaster said:
That's pretty awesome, dude.

I was talking to my friend, who lives in Houston, last night and she said it was snowing there too. Crazy stuff.

It hasn't even snowed here yet! It might this weekend though.


! Some guy on my Xfire friends list said it was snowing in Houston yesterday. Weird.

Snesboy said:
Wetcoaster said:
That's pretty awesome, dude.

I was talking to my friend, who lives in Houston, last night and she said it was snowing there too. Crazy stuff.

It hasn't even snowed here yet! It might this weekend though.


! Some guy on my Xfire friends list said it was snowing in Houston yesterday. Weird.


Well, here in the Dallas area, it was about 29-degrees (but no precipitation, so no snow) so it's certainly possible that it snowed in Houston.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


damkira said:
Argh.. I hate you all. Its still 70 degrees here in Orlando, FL and muggy :(
Even New Orleans gets snow. Yeesh.


My philosophy is this:  I prefer warm weather, but if it's going to be cold, I want snow!  Then at least when I'm complaining about freezing to death, I can ball up a snowball and take it out on some unexpecting victim!

Phrancheyez said:
damkira said:
Argh.. I hate you all. Its still 70 degrees here in Orlando, FL and muggy :(
Even New Orleans gets snow. Yeesh.


My philosophy is this:  I prefer warm weather, but if it's going to be cold, I want snow!  Then at least when I'm complaining about freezing to death, I can ball up a snowball and take it out on some unexpecting victim!


I'm actually a cold weather guy myself... and I despise the heat.  You can always get yourself warm by adding extra layers of clothing, but if you are hot, you stay hot.  Even if you stripped down naked, all you'd do is get sunburned from head to toe.  Plus, I really like having an excuse to use the fireplace.  I love fires.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Cool.I've never been in snow :(