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Forums - Sony Discussion - Time Magazine: there are only 200 k PS3s in US

Haha, it looks like the PS3 is overtracked by both VGC and NPD by about 6.5 million units:

there are nearly 17 million of them worldwide, a scant 200,000 of whom live in the U.S.

I'm wondering if they refer to shipped or sold to consumers numbers

They are also trash talking home as well:

Sony is calling the roll-out a 'beta,' meaning Home is still being crash tested, so buyer beware.

I don't remember laughing so hard since There's Something About Mary.


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Time Magazine, FTL.

ROFL. Wow. PS3's attach rate is fucking huge.

Josh Quittner should have quittnered while he was still ahead. (I know, I know /groan)

I guess time are smoking crack.... or M$ slid them some money under the table to badmouth the competition! lol

-1 for Times magazine

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dolemit3 said:

Haha, it looks like the PS3 is overtracked by both VGC and NPD by about 6.5 million units:

there are nearly 17 million of them worldwide, a scant 200,000 of whom live in the U.S.

I'm wondering if they refer to shipped or sold to consumers numbers

They are also trash talking home as well:

Sony is calling the roll-out a 'beta,' meaning Home is still being crash tested, so buyer beware.

I don't remember laughing so hard since There's Something About Mary.




Only 200K of the 17M PS3 sales are in the US? So maybe 12M PS3 sales in Europe + Others?

PS3 only 300K ahead of 360 in Europe? According to Sony.

360 at 8M in Europe + Others?

360 massively undertracked in Others?


Also as badgenome said, attach rates are insane. Americans buy multiple copies of each game for PS3!!!

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Haha, that MS guy who said the PS3 might soon be in single digit US marketshare was right!!

Huge fail by VGChartz

Honestly, don't these people do at least a bit of research?

Although he's right about one thing

Do not buy home at the moment (because paying for freeware is a stupid idea)

If you read the article, it isn't saying that's how many have PS3s. That's how many can access the "home" beta in the US.

Then why would it say 17 million worldwide in the same context?

You read the context of the article wrong. The writer meant there are 17 Million beta testers for HOME. 200,000 of them from the US.

It is funny none the less.

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jlauro said:
If you read the article, it isn't saying that's how many have PS3s. That's how many can access the "home" beta in the US.

"Starting today, owners of the pricey PlayStation 3 — there are nearly 17 million of them worldwide, a scant 200,000 of whom live in the U.S. — can download the software for free via Sony's PlayStation Network, which connects the game consoles on the Net so users can play each other."

It's pretty clear he's talking about owners of the pricey PlayStation 3.