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Forums - Sales Discussion - Not trynna start a flamewar, but when will the Wii US sales beat PS3 total.

Hmm looking at that figure, there was a time it was already true ;)

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Ishy said:
Lol this thread is still going on... I've come to hate my own creations. Well my sig was correct, when I said it would beat it over the next week... the Wii is 2K ahead at the moment. =)

your thoughts guysss...

No you can spin it all you want but the wii american sales have not passed the ps3 worldwide. Just because the ps3 euro and japanese sales haven't been updated yet doesnt some how magically mean they didnt happen lol. As every week goes by the ps3 worldwide is selling 15-20K more than the wii does in america so it is pulling away. Once the euro and japanese numbers for this week have been added then the ps3 will be 60K~ in the lead. By the time metroid prime 3 comes out the ps3 will have a 75k~ lead and that game alone won't be enough to push the wii numbers above the ps3.

leo-j said:
dtewi said:
So are USA wii sales leo-j, wow. Who would have thought that BOTH consoles sell units. Wow that is simply AMAZING!

No, they are slowly dropping atleast for now

you guys are very cocky, you think nintendo won and wii is going to conquer, think before you speak, if you know math you know it will NEVER HAPPEN(as long as ps3 sales continue this well).

 but the thing is that is what gamecube fans said about hte ps2 last gen wasnt it? and the ps2 dominated from beginning to end. and right now the wii is selling above what the ps2 did and that is called domination. sony fanboys have been cocky since teh ps2 was released and now still cocky with the ps3 even though the ps3 is failing really bad int eh market place. and just cause of a small spike in sales they are still sitting on shelves all over the world. and the wii is still selling out all over the world. so yeah teh wii seems to be dropping but that could be cause they are not shipping as many getting prepared for the xmas season.

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049

Ishy said:
Lol this thread is still going on... I've come to hate my own creations. Well my sig was correct, when I said it would beat it over the next week... the Wii is 2K ahead at the moment. =)

your thoughts guysss...

No.... It's not ahead.  There aren't even projections or any estimate of what the final weekly sales numbers are yet worldwide.  This is something that a fanboy would gloat about and no wonder this thread turned into a flamewar, just like the other thread you started with the same exact topic.   So stop trolling and gloating about your precious Wii with incomplete numbers. 

 Right now, you have surpassed Gballzack as the most annoying poster on this site to me.   It's from the combination of your flame baiting posts and threads as well as that goofy avatar  you have with the big buck toothed freak. 


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

Hmmm just noticed your "new thread" proclaiming Wii's Nintendomination has been locked. I wonder if it's due to the claim that it's ahead when you are comparing two things and not waiting for all the numbers to come in for the one that you do not care for.

I can only hope this thread gets locked as well since it's really going no where and your fanboyism is shining through ishy without taking in any of the sales information.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

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Good find Ben however in a sense the data is invalid. I assume that massive PS3 spike in the chart would be the PS3 launch in Europe. That would be the time that Sony actually entered the world wide race. So up until that point it could be argued that Sony had no world wide numbers. They merely had numbers for two regions. So that basically slashed their potential customer base. Once they launched in Europe however they were no longer handicapped as it were.

Interestingly enough the question could be seen as when will Nintendo nullify the Sony market expansion spike. When can they nullify the sales spike that the European launch produced.

You are technically correct. However there was no actual contest till Sony launched in Europe.

@ Just__Ben )

I see , so you don't consider Eu/Pal to be important enough to the world huh? (both events in the graph were prior to Eu/pal launch of the PS3)
In that case we should just subtract eu sales for Wii and 360 aswell.

Actually, something interesting could happen. Next week, Wii WW sales should be greater than 360 WW sales. There is also some possibility that the American Wii sales are greater than PS3 WW sales with the inclusion of European and Japanese numbers. The difference is about 10K units right now.

Will they both happen in the same week? I guess next week's numbers could be very interesting.

I suppose there is no nice way to say this, but you guys do realize the charts have been totally FUBAR the last couple weeks in reference to this PS3/Wii debate. From my best estimate we are looking at something in the region of 80,000 units have been removed from WW sales, or added to Americas sales.

When this thread was posted there was a 80,000 unit difference. I am terribly sure of this now. Then once the new charts arrived the difference was 40,000. That is a major shift considering the PS3 sold more units WW then Nintendo sold Wiis in the Americas. To the tune of 3-4 thousand units.

Now we come to this week and after the charts are updated we find the difference is 10,000 units. That is strange considering that once again PS3 outperformed the Wii. I think it comes to 45,000 units were removed/added the first week and 35,000 units were removed/added the second week. I suppose next week another 25,000 units will be removed/added.

There are only three likely conclusions. The mathematical component was mishandled someone forget to add certain numbers. The weekly numbers are being shaved to rectify a severe over calculation in regards to the PS3. The Wii North American figures have had a serious under calculation, and the number totals are being increased in addition to the weekly sales.

Why am I the only one that has noticed this? Does anyone have a plausible theory as to what is going on. I felt certain I would see a Sony fanatic come in guns blazing on this, or maybe a Nintendo fanatic pointing to the number change. Instead everyone seems very oblivious.

I know I am new here, but is this like common practice. Does this happen every week behind the scenes. That seems like some major shifting.

Dodece: I have only noticed that PS3 number has been "nerfed" in Europe. After Europe and Japanese sales came PS3 numbers went from 4.15m till 4.16m. It should have been around 4.20m.