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Forums - Gaming Discussion - game of the year reveals truth about GTA4

BTFeather55 said:

I think it will get 360 Game of the Year and overall Game of the Year at IGN with Metal Gear Solid 4 being PS3 Game of the Year and GTA IV's only real competition for overall Game of the Year. I knew GTA IV was a special game the moment I walked Nico Bellic into his room and heard one of my favorite Smashing Pumpkins (one of my top five favorite bands of all time)' songs coming from the radio, then I turned on the tv and saw the best satires of modern society that I had ever seen in any popular media with the possible exception of South Park, and despite the haters and naysayers (who really didn't like the game only because it got higher reviews than certain games that they preferred egs. Gears I fans but GTA IV was also to the unbiased eye clearly superior to Gears accounting for its score.  If Gears and Bioshock received a 94  and 97 (same as Mario Galaxy) and  GTA was clearly superior it had to get better review scores see and it did and that my friends is why the review system isn't broken; and Zelda fans that were upset that it scored just as high as Ocarina and that apparently prefer to follow green clad fairy boys through the woods than to play a game which features real life problems as a main concern but since GTA 4 was just as good as Ocarina -- to be honest Ocarina still has a higher Metacritic score but having played them both, I can honestly say that I prefer GTA IV and MGS4 --and the original Soul Calibur on Dreamcast, then it deserved the same score, ya dig), and it only got better from there.

     I also think that GTA IV was a primary influence on at least three of the greatest Youtube videos of all time.


     Equally classic stuff right there.

hahaha lol, and whatever else refers to laughing on the ninternet.  Real life problems in a grand theft auto game.


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"2. Create your sentences so they don't offend anyone with at least the slightest influence of English."

Perhaps you should create your sentences so that people can understand what you are trying to imply. I have a degree in English, btw. It is not my fault if a laptop computer keyboard sometimes drops an "e" off a name.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

BTFeather55 said:
Eyes Wide Shut one of the few films that deals with the Illuminati in a meaningful way. And no, Carrie Fisher is no Nicole Kidman in front of a full length mirror.

Ooh, agreed.

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...I'll just answer the OP directly, then.

I haven't played enough games this year to pass judgement on them, and even if I had the idea of picking the "best" seems to be a futile endeavor. Relative statements of quality are bad enough already.

Games are even more troublesome for this than movies are, and that is saying something.

BTFeather55 said:
"2. Create your sentences so they don't offend anyone with at least the slightest influence of English."

Perhaps you should create your sentences so that people can understand what you are trying to imply. I have a degree in English, btw. It is not my fault if a laptop computer keyboard sometimes drops an "e" off a name.

I doubt people have a hard time implying the meaning from my previous messages... Which is sad because I have called you out and you apparently have an "English" degree.

Good for you. Now spell shit correctly.


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irstupid said:
BTFeather55 said:

I think it will get 360 Game of the Year and overall Game of the Year at IGN with Metal Gear Solid 4 being PS3 Game of the Year and GTA IV's only real competition for overall Game of the Year. I knew GTA IV was a special game the moment I walked Nico Bellic into his room and heard one of my favorite Smashing Pumpkins (one of my top five favorite bands of all time)' songs coming from the radio, then I turned on the tv and saw the best satires of modern society that I had ever seen in any popular media with the possible exception of South Park, and despite the haters and naysayers (who really didn't like the game only because it got higher reviews than certain games that they preferred egs. Gears I fans but GTA IV was also to the unbiased eye clearly superior to Gears accounting for its score.  If Gears and Bioshock received a 94  and 97 (same as Mario Galaxy) and  GTA was clearly superior it had to get better review scores see and it did and that my friends is why the review system isn't broken; and Zelda fans that were upset that it scored just as high as Ocarina and that apparently prefer to follow green clad fairy boys through the woods than to play a game which features real life problems as a main concern but since GTA 4 was just as good as Ocarina -- to be honest Ocarina still has a higher Metacritic score but having played them both, I can honestly say that I prefer GTA IV and MGS4 --and the original Soul Calibur on Dreamcast, then it deserved the same score, ya dig), and it only got better from there.

     I also think that GTA IV was a primary influence on at least three of the greatest Youtube videos of all time.


     Equally classic stuff right there.

hahaha lol, and whatever else refers to laughing on the ninternet.  Real life problems in a grand theft auto game.


     Yes, GTA deals with real life problems.  Perhaps you don't know what it means to down on your luck, broke, unable to get a job in this world due to a criminal past, a bad reputation, and political enemies that other people in your family made through no fault of your own.  GTA shows some solutions to these problems rather than trying to say we live in a fairy tale world where everything turns out great for all the nice people at the end of the day and the hero always saves the princess.


Heavens to Murgatoids.

BTFeather55 said:

     Yes, GTA deals with real life problems.  Perhaps you don't know what it means to down on your luck, broke, unable to get a job in this world due to a criminal past, a bad reputation, and political enemies that other people in your family made through no fault of your own.  GTA shows some solutions to these problems rather than trying to say we live in a fairy tale world where everything turns out great for all the nice people at the end of the day and the hero always saves the princess.

I'm guessing you were sorely disappointed when Super Mario Galaxy snatched GOTY last year?

Seriously, this GOTY thing isn't something to get worked up about. About all it's good for is fanboy bragging rights.

I wasn't disappointed when Mario Galaxy won Game of the Year. I bought a copy of the game for my nephew for Christmas last year. And what is getting people worked up is the fact that I'm saying that GTA 4 is a good game that was worthy of the review scores that it received and of winning Game of the Year. If I can think Mario Galaxy is an excellent game, then why can't they see that GTA IV is as well?

Heavens to Murgatoids.

From the looks of it, GTAIV will still win GotY from most sites.

Not here, though. :D

Khuutra said:
...I'll just answer the OP directly, then.

I haven't played enough games this year to pass judgement on them, and even if I had the idea of picking the "best" seems to be a futile endeavor. Relative statements of quality are bad enough already.

Games are even more troublesome for this than movies are, and that is saying something.

Nah, movies are easier. You have two hours of shit to suffer through with movies and and that's it. You watch a bunch, that's all you got.

Games... You have up to 40 hours, tons of bullshit, none of the reward, and a load of horrible things to deal with... It's like watching Jerry Bruckheimer if he made 500 hours of movies a year. That's "video game review".



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