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Forums - Sales Discussion - X360 - PS3 gap now 7 million!

Chris Hu said:
But this would allow MSFT to run the console market with an iron fist. No more perks, no more price cuts, no more JRPG games.

I think you have the 360 confused with the original X-Box which had zero JRPG's. The 360 has plenty of JRPG's and many more in development. They even have their own developer Mistwalker that only makes JRPG's.


Competition is still good.  Otherwise the consoles would not be selling at a loss.  Dont forget what MS tried to do with Windows.

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360 will always have the price advantage, so the gap will only continually widen, and when Xbox "3" launches 1 yr before PS4 & Wii 2, all the devs who had success on 360 will immediately support Xbox "3." Good job Microsoft, DESTROY Sony and their overpriced garbage!

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Vanadium2k8 said:
I don't want to sound like a troll, but I just have to say this.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.


In terms of sales? yes, yes sony fell and they fell hard. in terms of overall games and all that stuff? no. not by a longshot.


I'm sure that the Sony management and shareholders will be comforted by the fact that sales are the only department they are lagging in.

KichiVerde said:

Sony must accept the fact that they have failed this generation. First off the dominance the PS2 enjoyed in the past was not replicated with the PS3. Second, they are failing financially. If they expect to make any sizeable profit off their gaming department their strategy needs to change fast. Third, they have failed at innovating the industry. Everything Sony does is a rip off of Nintendo or MS. Aside from Blue ray and the occasional title that is original, Sony has sunk in to the realm of imitators and mediocrity.

I once thought highly of Sony. I believed they were really taking gaming to the next level with the development of the Cell processor and PS3. I expected big things. But now I see Sony has failed. It may not be the biggest failure, but it will have an impact on their future development. Really, whats the point of carrying on in a growing market if you still stand to lose money because the competition is too strong?

Perhaps Sony would be wise to pull out of the gaming industry this generation and cut their losses like Sega did after the Dreamcast. They could still focus on making good games, but make them for other consoles on which those titles will sell well and generate more revenue.

Why not own up to their failure and bow out with dignity? Leave the gaming industry to those who know best, Nintendo and MS.

you obviously have MS confused with another company.  MS bought MS/dos, stole windows, compied there console and controller from Sega.  May I also remind you that Nintendo did not invent the console, not the controller, not motion controll, nothing.  All three of these companies have copied someone elses idea when it comes to gaming.  In you own statment you listed the only "new things" any of three did, the cell and BR.  Everything else, including the motion control has been done before.

I guess MS should get out of the software business because companies like Google and Apple are taking there market share away.
If a company decided to leave a specific industry just because they went from #1 to #3, you wouldn't be able to play a Wii, because Nintendo would've left after the SNES.  N64 Failure , Game Cube Failure.  Wii massive success.

I'm sure Wii fans are glad Nintendo didn't jump ship.


@Zombl337 - overprised garbage?  I agree the price for the PS3 is too high,  But that is because it is built with standards and quality, unlike the garbage that MS calls hardware.

DTG said:
The UK is irrelevant, its considered more to be the us's lapdog than a part of Europe and Europes tastes largely differ from that of UK's. PS brand dominates europe and tat wont change for a long time.

Yeah. PS brand dominates Europe, and no recent sales figures will tell us otherwise!


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Soon will be 8 million

The thing is if it increases it's current 300k a week gap to say maybe 400k the 360 could actually be 8m gap by the end of the year. That would well and truely be it for the PS3 in places like UK and USA and sadly that is where the sales are. If you take Japan for example people are cheering the PS3 sold like 20k this week. This time last year it sold nearly 50% more there. That pattern is what will happen for all consoles next year even the Wii. The financial situation in the world will engulf everything and the games industry will go the same way. Sales have been sky high this year and the only way for them to go is down.
Coming into March 09 i would not be surprised to see a 9m gap from the 360 and PS3. That would then mean the PS3 would have to increase sales by 60%. If it has already dropped 25% this year means that number is near to 70% it will have to increase. Realisticly in the current enviroment that just won't happen. You have to be living in dream land to think so. This time next year i bet you we will see numbers down for all consoles, this will be the last holiday they post huge numbers. And because of that even if MS stopped making the 360 would take the PS3 too long to catch up. If MS stopped selling the 360 the PS3 would have to INCREASE sales by 583k (145k a week) for a whole year just to be on par with the 360. That is without the 360 selling 1 more console! Again their is hope and then their is fools hope. It is over ring the bell, let it go.

RPG said:
Said this once and going to say it again, 360 is half the price and released a year before. NEVER write off the Playstation brand, especially when it is being outsold for a whole 3 months after a huge price cut by the competitor.

Wii has won, PS3 will easily take second place. Trust me on this, as soon as the PS3 gets a price drop and it outsells the 360 it will be "360 is doomed" and all that malarky, it's just a never ending cycle of hate. :(

Gotta ask this, for one strange reason it seems A LOT of people on this forum want the PS3 to die a miserable death. Why?

I wish I could live in a land of such blissful ignorance.

Everyone who says the 360 is "half the price" is basically blocking their ears and yelling "LALALALA".


Right now, during these weeks were 360 is outselling PS3 2-1, the 360's more expensive pro and elite offerings are selling approx half the units, and the arcade the other half. That means as many people are spending near the PS3's price for an Xbox product, and the "half price" arcade is selling additionally as many units as the PS3.

PS3 will easily take second place? I love people who say this, because they obviously refuse to do math to suppose their wild guesses.

And for people who love to say that the 360 has made huge pricecuts - PS3 launched at $600, it's down to $400 now. The PS3 has dropped their price as much as the 360, the issue was they were asking way too much to begin with, and people called BS.

Long story short, Sony has virtually no chance of capturing 2nd place this generation after finding themselves further behind than at launch going into their 3rd year.

It's amazing to me, given where sales were in June, that 360 will likely outsell the PS3 worldwide by over 2 million units just from Black Friday through Christmas. That's amazing.

And then add in the wins leading up to then?

No one honestly saw this coming.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

fastyxx said:
It's amazing to me, given where sales were in June, that 360 will likely outsell the PS3 worldwide by over 2 million units just from Black Friday through Christmas. That's amazing.

And then add in the wins leading up to then?

No one honestly saw this coming.


 I agree. I'm stumbled by the huge success of the X360.


Everyone fought the PS3 wuld outsell the X360 in 2008 easily.


And 2009 too will be tuff for Sony. MS has more a lot more room for price drops on the X360 than Sony has for his PS3 (who already has dropped $200! since lunch only two years ago).