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The thing is if it increases it's current 300k a week gap to say maybe 400k the 360 could actually be 8m gap by the end of the year. That would well and truely be it for the PS3 in places like UK and USA and sadly that is where the sales are. If you take Japan for example people are cheering the PS3 sold like 20k this week. This time last year it sold nearly 50% more there. That pattern is what will happen for all consoles next year even the Wii. The financial situation in the world will engulf everything and the games industry will go the same way. Sales have been sky high this year and the only way for them to go is down.
Coming into March 09 i would not be surprised to see a 9m gap from the 360 and PS3. That would then mean the PS3 would have to increase sales by 60%. If it has already dropped 25% this year means that number is near to 70% it will have to increase. Realisticly in the current enviroment that just won't happen. You have to be living in dream land to think so. This time next year i bet you we will see numbers down for all consoles, this will be the last holiday they post huge numbers. And because of that even if MS stopped making the 360 would take the PS3 too long to catch up. If MS stopped selling the 360 the PS3 would have to INCREASE sales by 583k (145k a week) for a whole year just to be on par with the 360. That is without the 360 selling 1 more console! Again their is hope and then their is fools hope. It is over ring the bell, let it go.