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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - M$ Greenberg talk much smack!

There is a WHOLE lot of trash talking and animosity going on here.  Wii is like the kingpin, watching the underbosses fight it out:

I think M$ had better get off their high horse and figure out a way to keep this going in 2009, rahter than trash talking.


"The PS3 is a third player, they are at risk of reaching a single digit market share," Greenberg added. "They are a premium priced product in a tough economic time. They have a tough position to try and sell a product.

"The window of time when they were the cheapest Blu-ray player, those days have passed now."

Greenberg says that the key to success in a three console market is to differentiate your console, something he believes Microsoft has managed to do while Sony hasn't.

"The type of experience we are delivering is very different than the Wii," he said. Microsoft and Nintendo "are both doing really well delivering our different experiences. I think the problem that the PS3 is running into is that they are trying to deliver the same experience (as the Xbox 360) at twice the price."


"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

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This will not end well.

Tell me about it...there's such a thing as humility in victory...even temporary victory.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

I'm scared....Its going to end bad here >_>

Former something....

Yeah but i think what he says has some weight. (except for the single digit marketshare prediction) Atleast thats what it seems to me. SONY are really trying to fight for the same market as the 360 and so far are losing because of the price. So i think M$ is right in that respect.

But as for 2009 yeah i really want some good games and i wanna be surprised. After E3 2007 i doubted microsoft would have another year even close but they have done so with 2008 and they have the games to do it again in 2009. And i think christmas 2009 will be the last exclusive christmas to the 360 as M$ will launch the Xbox 720 November 2010!!!

lol i dont know for sure this is all a bunch of crap but it is cery well possible lol

Long Live SHIO!

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does he ever shut up with the trash talk?

i dont hear ninendo talking so much crap against their competition.

"The PS3 is a third player, they are at risk of reaching a single digit market share,"

^^ that there, is really the only ridiculous thing that I saw in there.......the rest of it seems pretty level headed.

izaaz101 said:
"The PS3 is a third player, they are at risk of reaching a single digit market share,"

^^ that there, is really the only ridiculous thing that I saw in there.......the rest of it seems pretty level headed.

You must remember it only takes a little spark to start a fire...


Former something....

Microsofts only goal with this gen has been to beat sony, they have no other interest. As long as at the end of the gen they can say they sold one more xbox then ps3, they will be happy, they have no interest in actually doing something for the game community

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

The only thing of value he said was that 360 outsold the PS3 more than 2 to 1 in November. MS sent out a similar PR statement last month the day before NPD came out and were right, so I'm inclined to believe they already had a peak at the numbers.