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Yeah but i think what he says has some weight. (except for the single digit marketshare prediction) Atleast thats what it seems to me. SONY are really trying to fight for the same market as the 360 and so far are losing because of the price. So i think M$ is right in that respect.

But as for 2009 yeah i really want some good games and i wanna be surprised. After E3 2007 i doubted microsoft would have another year even close but they have done so with 2008 and they have the games to do it again in 2009. And i think christmas 2009 will be the last exclusive christmas to the 360 as M$ will launch the Xbox 720 November 2010!!!

lol i dont know for sure this is all a bunch of crap but it is cery well possible lol

Long Live SHIO!