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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "All 360 RROD" Argument should of been dead a long time ago.

Imthelegend said:
Garnett said:
Imthelegend said:
Im interested about getting a 360 but RROD has stopped me. I do not want to buy a console which has a high chance of failure. I know newer ones have less chance than older versions of going RROD but I am not willing to jump in just yet.

I would be cautious as well,i was cautious about mine when i bought it,of course mine was still an old launch model.


I will jump in. Maybe in the next couple of months. There are just too many good games to ignore it any longer. But I will still be worried over this monster that all 360 owners hate.


Make sure you get a jasper unit,check it before you buy it.


Look for this info on the unit:
Lot Number: 0843X
Team: FDOU
Manufacture Date: 10/23/2008
PSU Output: 150W
Console Power Rating: 12.1A


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All of the old systems are the same so they all have the same risk of getting RRoD. Maybe they don't all do get it, though, but the risk still exists. Besides, the whole case tells us how much MS cares about the whole thing; there have been several hints claiming that MS knew of the problems since the beginning.

Not to say the newer ones are risky (well of course they are, but at least not much more than electronics in general) but just to remind about the RRoD case.

mines built jun 2006. had to be serviced for first few months after constant freezing and the dvd drive broke a month just before the 1year was up. I was a little dissappointed with that but then I knew these problem were gonna happen before I put the money down..

I went back to playing the DS while the machine was being serviced..

Anyway Its now Dec 08 i still not had RRoD and i still got the same machine but an added heat pipe to it's internals.

Imthelegend why worry about RRoD? That fault is covered by 3 years should it occur.

Garnett said:
Imthelegend said:
Garnett said:
Imthelegend said:
Im interested about getting a 360 but RROD has stopped me. I do not want to buy a console which has a high chance of failure. I know newer ones have less chance than older versions of going RROD but I am not willing to jump in just yet.

I would be cautious as well,i was cautious about mine when i bought it,of course mine was still an old launch model.


I will jump in. Maybe in the next couple of months. There are just too many good games to ignore it any longer. But I will still be worried over this monster that all 360 owners hate.


Make sure you get a jasper unit,check it before you buy it.


Look for this info on the unit:
Lot Number: 0843X
Team: FDOU
Manufacture Date: 10/23/2008
PSU Output: 150W
Console Power Rating: 12.1A


Isthis on the actual console and not on the packaging? I work at a retail store and would be able too check these details. Also are all version coming out with Jasper or is it only say Elites?




Imthelegend said:
Garnett said:
Imthelegend said:
Garnett said:
Imthelegend said:
Im interested about getting a 360 but RROD has stopped me. I do not want to buy a console which has a high chance of failure. I know newer ones have less chance than older versions of going RROD but I am not willing to jump in just yet.

I would be cautious as well,i was cautious about mine when i bought it,of course mine was still an old launch model.


I will jump in. Maybe in the next couple of months. There are just too many good games to ignore it any longer. But I will still be worried over this monster that all 360 owners hate.


Make sure you get a jasper unit,check it before you buy it.


Look for this info on the unit:
Lot Number: 0843X
Team: FDOU
Manufacture Date: 10/23/2008
PSU Output: 150W
Console Power Rating: 12.1A


Isthis on the actual console and not on the packaging? I work at a retail store and would be able too check these details. Also are all version coming out with Jasper or is it only say Elites?


Its only for Arcades i think,The others are coming out later on,you can also check the consone serial number and all that stuff on the box or on the console,ya know where the little hole is on the box.


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Just look at the box,if you see 150W you have a Jasper with 65nm GPU that doesn`t RRoD. I have a Falcon 175w console and is only a little warm after 3-4 hours, pacient,Jasper will come to a store near you.

It's the PS3 fanboys still ranting about RRoD.....they don't understand how someone can go through multiple consoles and still support it, but it's because it has the best games this gen.

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M

The argument has been done since Falcon.

Newer falcons have a lower failure rate.  Repaired systems still RROD far above what is acceptable and Jasper's (time will truely tell since they have only been in the "wild" for ~2 weeks in arcades) should be in the acceptable 5% failure rate for most electronics.  Despite the improvements in the more recent falcon units I would still suggest you wait for a Jasper unit if time is of no concern to you.

Every unit can in fact RROD, so to say otherwise would be false (unless they change the color of the light lol). 



I have been threw 3 original 360's and I recently bought a arcade and sold my old one to my friend. I can say my first died after 5 months and my second after 2 1/2 months but I stick with the 360 because Its got the games, also I went threw 3 PS2's 2 PS1's and 3 Nes's I got new ones every time because that's were the games were.

Also I think the most problematic system I have ever had was the NES