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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Dragon Quest X MEGATON... overrated?

When Dragon Quest IX was announced for DS a lot of japanese third parties made the jump to the DS and marked the complete victory of the NintendoDS in Japan. I am sure that Nintendo wants to make the same move but this time for Wii.

The announcement is important only in Japan level but knowing how the japanese developers first make the games thinking in their own country then Wii catalog will improve a lot in the next months.

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Dawg - if you can't call this a megaton announcement, I really don't know what you can- the next Zelda game exclusive on ps3 perhaps?

This announcement alone, has basicly ensured the Wii's dominance i Japen for the rest of this generation..

And it's not like some people make it out, that the Dragon Quest games aren't big in the western markets - they maybe not be as big as Final Fanatasy here in the western world, but it's not like they are as unknown as the Monster Hunter series was before the wii announcement - actually I think they probably are the most popular RPG series next after Final Fantasy in USA and Europe..

Plus this announcement alone most definetly will make other developers follow suit - and more big exclusives and interesting announcement are bound to happen more reguarly on the Wii..

And then the fact that Nintendo and SquareEnix are tight again..

So yeah - this is definetly what you would describe as quite a megaton dawg..

Wasn't this pretty expected? A true megaton would've been DQX exclusive to 360. No one would have seen that coming in a million years.

There will be nothing but arguing on this thread. Have fun everone.

I just wanna say. Most people who feel that it wasnt a megaton or just already dismissing the game are Nintendo haters or console fanboys. Nothing will change thier minds. 
Above statement is not directly towards you donathos

Also this was a surprise. Anyone who also says it was expected is a damn liar. They just dont want to admit it. Again hater/fanboys.

I don't really understand why some people were so shocked about this announcement. What were people expecting the next one to suddenly jump to PS3 and 360 for no reason at all?


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This does effectively kill off the 360 as of now and leaves the PS3 is a distant second place in Japan. Monster Hunter 3 simply adds to this, simply amazed how much that franchise has grown in such a short period of time. Wii will be getting a whole lot of jrpg support now, dont be shocked when FFXIV jumps to the Wii. :O


As for the announcement, the only way you can't consider it huge is because we all saw it coming a long way, I mean, absolutely nobody doubted that whenever DQX was announced, it would be a Wii exclusive (I really hope that no one doubted it). That signals that the Wii will be the top selling console in Japan by a huge margin, if there was any doubt.

As for the actualy quality of the game, I seriously doubt it would be a game that I could consider good, and it's totally a game that I'm not looking forward to (and I wouldn't whatever platform had it been announced). Let's say that after the hideous DQVIII, I'm quite skeptical (read: I don't consider it possible) that I'll find a good game in the series (and I won't even try, that's for sure)

zexen_lowe said:

As for the announcement, the only way you can't consider it huge is because we all saw it coming a long way, I mean, absolutely nobody doubted that whenever DQX was announced, it would be a Wii exclusive (I really hope that no one doubted it). That signals that the Wii will be the top selling console in Japan by a huge margin, if there was any doubt.

As for the actualy quality of the game, I seriously doubt it would be a game that I could consider good, and it's totally a game that I'm not looking forward to (and I wouldn't whatever platform had it been announced). Let's say that after the hideous DQVIII, I'm quite skeptical (read: I don't consider it possible) that I'll find a good game in the series (and I won't even try, that's for sure)

DQ8 was the slowest game in the series and is often hounded for being the worst Dragon Quest.

Try out DQIV instead. I hear good things?

So Wii has now 4 BIG franchises assured in Japan. DQX, MH3, Samurai Warriors 3 and the next Tales of game.

Another important games coming Lets Tap, the Melancholy of Sazumiya Haruhi, Bleach, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Tatiko no Tatsujin Wii, FFCC:CB, Arc Rise Fantasia, Little Kings Story, Kizuna, Muramasa Demon Blade, Valhala Knights, Fragile, FFCC:EoT, Harvest Moon (the other title announced, not Animal March).

Theres still some work to do because most support seems to be coming from NamcoBandai, SEGA, Marvelous, Capcom and now SE. But it all is starting to look better, thats why Im buying a Wii early next year. Considering we still dont know what games Nintendo has planned for next year!

Khuutra said:
zexen_lowe said:

As for the announcement, the only way you can't consider it huge is because we all saw it coming a long way, I mean, absolutely nobody doubted that whenever DQX was announced, it would be a Wii exclusive (I really hope that no one doubted it). That signals that the Wii will be the top selling console in Japan by a huge margin, if there was any doubt.

As for the actualy quality of the game, I seriously doubt it would be a game that I could consider good, and it's totally a game that I'm not looking forward to (and I wouldn't whatever platform had it been announced). Let's say that after the hideous DQVIII, I'm quite skeptical (read: I don't consider it possible) that I'll find a good game in the series (and I won't even try, that's for sure)

DQ8 was the slowest game in the series and is often hounded for being the worst Dragon Quest.

Try out DQIV instead. I hear good things?

Really it is? I've seen tons of sites/people (even here) that call it one of the best RPGs they played (needless to say, I'm horrified when I see that). I talked also to a friend that played VII (and didn't play VIII) and he hated the game for the exact same reasons that I hated VIII, so I assume those elements are quite general in the series.

I know jack about IV, though, I admit. Does IV actually try to have a story? Does it have at least one plot twist? Are the characters actually humans that mature with the progress of the game instead of being a one-sided faceless and emotionless plank that are predictable from a mile away? Is the battle system at least some bit more interesting than the archaic and absolutely zero-customizable VIII?

The sad part is, the designs are still done by Toriyama, that's definitely a minus for me.