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Khuutra said:
zexen_lowe said:

As for the announcement, the only way you can't consider it huge is because we all saw it coming a long way, I mean, absolutely nobody doubted that whenever DQX was announced, it would be a Wii exclusive (I really hope that no one doubted it). That signals that the Wii will be the top selling console in Japan by a huge margin, if there was any doubt.

As for the actualy quality of the game, I seriously doubt it would be a game that I could consider good, and it's totally a game that I'm not looking forward to (and I wouldn't whatever platform had it been announced). Let's say that after the hideous DQVIII, I'm quite skeptical (read: I don't consider it possible) that I'll find a good game in the series (and I won't even try, that's for sure)

DQ8 was the slowest game in the series and is often hounded for being the worst Dragon Quest.

Try out DQIV instead. I hear good things?

Really it is? I've seen tons of sites/people (even here) that call it one of the best RPGs they played (needless to say, I'm horrified when I see that). I talked also to a friend that played VII (and didn't play VIII) and he hated the game for the exact same reasons that I hated VIII, so I assume those elements are quite general in the series.

I know jack about IV, though, I admit. Does IV actually try to have a story? Does it have at least one plot twist? Are the characters actually humans that mature with the progress of the game instead of being a one-sided faceless and emotionless plank that are predictable from a mile away? Is the battle system at least some bit more interesting than the archaic and absolutely zero-customizable VIII?

The sad part is, the designs are still done by Toriyama, that's definitely a minus for me.