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Dawg - if you can't call this a megaton announcement, I really don't know what you can- the next Zelda game exclusive on ps3 perhaps?

This announcement alone, has basicly ensured the Wii's dominance i Japen for the rest of this generation..

And it's not like some people make it out, that the Dragon Quest games aren't big in the western markets - they maybe not be as big as Final Fanatasy here in the western world, but it's not like they are as unknown as the Monster Hunter series was before the wii announcement - actually I think they probably are the most popular RPG series next after Final Fantasy in USA and Europe..

Plus this announcement alone most definetly will make other developers follow suit - and more big exclusives and interesting announcement are bound to happen more reguarly on the Wii..

And then the fact that Nintendo and SquareEnix are tight again..

So yeah - this is definetly what you would describe as quite a megaton dawg..