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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here thinks FFVXIII will go multiplat.?

V-r0cK said:
I think PS3 deserves FFvXIII to be exclusive. Xbox360 already has more SE exclusive games then the PS3, and there's not even a single SE game on the PS3. SE needs to show PS3 some love too lol.

And if Nomura is as Sony fanboy as people claim maybe he'll make sure it stays exclusive as how Kojima wanted MGS4 exclusive lol


 Nomura can be the biggest Sony fanboy in the world, but it doesn't matter. For SE, it's a simple formula of Money > Nomura's bias. So the question is, what is Sony doing to keep this game exclusive to their system? With the way SE has been this gen, as well the costs, I highly doubt SE will want to keep ANY of their games exclusive unless there is a special reason (such as Infinite Undiscovery, which MS financed).

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Tremble said:
Don't forget that sony also has the psp, and SE needs this handheld to make cash too. They cannot upset sony too much!

Really? Seems to me Sony need S-E for the PSP far more than S-E need to be on it.  Just look at crisis core, prequel to the by far most popular final fantasy, sold less than FF3 on DS and looks like FFIV on DS will also start getting close when Eu is added and in a few more months. Yet the development costs for FF:CC would have been FAR FAR more. Not to mention the advertising budget far far higher, in Japan you couldn't turn around without seeing a FF:CC advert.

As long as S-E have the DS the PSP isn't that important.

TBH I can't see why they wouldn't go multiplatform with versus. Especially since it seems it will be more like dirge of cerberus than a typical FF. So considering more than half of DoC sales weren't in japan, missing out on the 360 with versus would mean they were losing a huge chunk of sales.

Surely they must have taken note of DMC4s performance. Around a 55-45 split in favour of the PS3. If versus followed the same pattern S-E would be losing nearly half the possible sales.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

Tremble said:
Don't forget that sony also has the psp, and SE needs this handheld to make cash too. They cannot upset sony too much!


WTF does that mean?? you think sony is gonna tell anyone NOT to publish games for their consoles? That would be hilarious to see. "Hey we lose money as it is... but don't publish games that would bring us tons of dough cause we hate you!!"


@Thread: There is a chance of it being multiplat... since the FFXIII is said to be turned to 360 when PS3 is over, there will be plenty of time to see the sucess of the 360 version and decide whether Versus should be ported in the same maner too.

My guess is that it will end up being ported because the 360 userbase will be too attractive for SE. But in % chances, I'd say 33%.


klarklar said:
I dont kno if Versus will go multiplatform, not sure. I dont care if it does I just want SE to make a game I respect again, I was hoping Versus would be that title. As for people who say only 13 matters, it looks weaker and is made by the FFX-2 team...I have little faith.


 It is made by FFX team.

It would make sense for it to go multiplatform, and also SO4, but who knows.

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It seems that Final Fantasy games have been going downhill after FF6. I was excited to get FF12. When I got it, I was dissapointed with it's gameplay.

On the other hand, it seems like they have been working on FF13 for a long time now. It should be pretty good for all the effort they have put into it.


Nope.....but the Gen has all but proved us wrong.....over, and over.

it will not. Sorry

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I have know clue. if they say it's exclusive I can't believe them. If they say it's multiplatform than I can't believe it either.....

4 ≈ One

The way SE has been making decisions lately, I wouldn't be suprised if it went Multi.

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