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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Who here thinks FFVXIII will go multiplat.?

BengaBenga said:
RPG said:
Read through the whole post and no, you have no clue about what a spin off is. I dont think your a fanboy because of the Versus comment, your past shows that clearly. I am not going to call anyone a fanboy due to being misinformed, that is a truly silly thing to do. I dont remember Versus being called a spin off before FFXIII was announced for 360, what are you implying here?

About comparing FFXIIIv to X-2........just LOL



They're two different stories with the same foundation (crystals)

There are actually quite a lot FFs that evolve around crystals, spin offs and main series alike.


 Yes I know, but they have the same world aswell. And it's not like FFX-2 which was in the same world aswell (the ffx world that is).


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O Rly?

Wow, so now FF versus XIII isn't a spin off. When did this come to fruition? Oh wait E3 2008.

Edit: FFX-2 wasn't in the same world as X. Really? I could have sworn they both took place on Spira. I must of imagined the recycled back drops, return of Yuna and Rikku, and the cameo's by the original cast of FFX.

Ah I cant be bothered with BengaBenga any more, just let him live in bliss.


Darc Requiem said:
Wow, so now FF versus XIII isn't a spin off. When did this come to fruition? Oh wait E3 2008.


It never was a Spin off, the hell is wrong with you people!? Both Wada And Tetsuya confirmed this so chill out and deal with it jeez.

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Darc Requiem said:
Wow, so now FF versus XIII isn't a spin off. When did this come to fruition? Oh wait E3 2008.


Pathetic, simply pathetic how people are under the assumption that Versus is now popular due to being exclusive. Maybe it is different on this forum but the other gaming forums I was on Versus was always the more popular of the two. People wanted that game more due to being darker, they loved the trailer etc.

As I said maybe things were different on this forum but please dont spout such nonsense.


RPG said:
Darc Requiem said:
Wow, so now FF versus XIII isn't a spin off. When did this come to fruition? Oh wait E3 2008.


Pathetic, simply pathetic how people are under the assumption that Versus is now popular due to being exclusive. Maybe it is different on this forum but the other gaming forums I was on Versus was always the more popular of the two. People wanted that game more due to being darker, they loved the trailer etc.

As I said maybe things were different on this forum but please dont spout such nonsense.


I hate to break to you guys, but if its not the main game that makes it a spin off. FFXIII is the main game and the rest of the titles are spin offs. That's why each title has special designation i.e. Versus XIII, Agito XIII etc. to differentiate them from the main game.

RPG what is pathetic is the fanboys that suddenly pretending Versus XIII didn't gain popularity when XIII became multiplatform. There wasn't near as much interest in the game on this forum until the main game in the series wasn't PS3 exclusive. To pretend that is not the case is what is truly patethic. I'm tired of fanboys acting like they lost something. Where there some fans more interested in Versus XIII before hand? Certainly, but the number grew after the E3 2008 announcement. To try and argue that point is folly.

RPG said:
Ah I cant be bothered with BengaBenga any more, just let him live in bliss.


So to summarize:

I: Versus is a spin-off
You: Ah I cant be bothered with BengaBenga any more, just let him live in bliss.

Sometimes I really don't understand what people care about. I didn't say anything negative about Sony, nor about FF not even about Nomura. Yet I'm being a fanboy for seeing Versus13 as a spin-off.

Good luck in life, sjeez.

BengaBenga, you can't argue with fanboys. Logic has no effect on them. What can you do?

BengaBenga said:
RPG said:
Ah I cant be bothered with BengaBenga any more, just let him live in bliss.


So to summarize:

I: Versus is a spin-off
You: Ah I cant be bothered with BengaBenga any more, just let him live in bliss.

Sometimes I really don't understand what people care about. I didn't say anything negative about Sony, nor about FF not even about Nomura. Yet I'm being a fanboy for seeing Versus13 as a spin-off.

Good luck in life, sjeez.

Tetsuya Nomura: Even though there is a common source of inspiration, each world is completely separate and different, which means that the characters within each world won't meet each other. There might be a possibility in the future to have them meet, but we're not sure about that yet. And even though these games are all part of the FNC project, that doesn't mean that you'll have to play all the games in order to understand each game's secrets.
YK: The characters in each game have their own distinct lives, but FFXIII has a clear ending. There is this binding mythology that links the games together.

 For me, that doesn't translate into spin-off