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Is this live at midnight?

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Max King of the Wild said:
Is this live at midnight?


 I was just about to ask that.....

PSN: Parasitic_Link

4 A.M. PST, so 7 on the East coast. GMT that'd be 12.

so I have to stay up till 6am today.... I can do that (I just recently stopped working 3rd shift so its my normal hours. I don't do it becaus I want to. Its hard to go back to normal)

so in about 3 hours then `?

Check out my game about moles ^

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When is this gonna happen!?

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
When is this gonna happen!?


as far as i could understand from dmj in 2 hours and 30 mins. My other post was wrong. Meant 4 hours. I was thinking of gmt +1

Check out my game about moles ^

I'm gonna wait until the servers get a good thrashing and stuff before I download and use it. I will use it but just not yet, having my net connection at it's peak as well will help, lately it's been bit crap.

Hmm, pie.

Staude said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
When is this gonna happen!?


as far as i could understand from dmj in 2 hours and 30 mins. My other post was wrong. Meant 4 hours. I was thinking of gmt +1


 I see, well nothing yet on my side.

So it goes up in about an hour? Nice looks like Sony is rolling out the red carpet when they heard I'm getting a PS3 =D

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000