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this is NA only i suppose :(

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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CAL4M1TY said:
Neoraf said:

Am I the only PS3 owner not excited by Home?

Should I give it a try?
Even if I find Second Life useless and boring?
Even if I don't care about Avatars on my 360?
Even if I won't buy a headset for my PS3 (already have one on my 360)?

So... should I stay away from Home?
I didn't even plan to try it at all...

Am I the only one?


You're not the only one.

I think it's a waste of development time and resources for a product that won't boost sales at all. Why won't it boost sales? well, the only people I could see choosing a PS3 over the 360 or Wii based solely on HOME (the "casuals") don't even know this thing exists.

On top of that, aside from displaying trophy's in your room, HOME doesn't differentiate itself far enough from social "games" that are free online (i.e Second Life) and it's certainly not as robust or expanded (yet), so why would anyone go from something like Second Life, for which they've built a "life" to this and pay for the entry fee (PS3)?

I guess it could be a thank you to the PS3 owners that have stuck by Sony, but as one myself, I would have much rather have gotten free DLC or more exclusives/games on the platform.

I will be playing around with HOME for about 3 minutes.

You can call it trolling or whatever, but if you honestly believe this will boost PS3 sales (and thus, a waste of resources for Sony), you're (no offence) deluded.

1. Yeah I think I'm gonna have more fun having nerds hit on my lesbian avatar so you two arent the only ones.

2. No it wont increase HW but it will increase profit. microtransactions + in home ads

3. Because home is suppose to have Ps3 game support with it. Why would people play second life when they are about to play Warhawk?

Spankey said:
this is NA only i suppose :(


:P Looks like it, hey spank Valkyria Chronicles ring a bell? :D :D :D

Wow! That Redbull game looked awsome. After seeing all the really oldschool Atari looking games during the last year, this is very refreshing. I can not wait to check out all the new stuff. See you inside.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Spankey said:
this is NA only i suppose :(


:P Looks like it, hey spank Valkyria Chronicles ring a bell? :D :D :D


Grrr...*angry face*

why do they hate EU so much?

VC was one of a small handful of titles to make it to the EU first, and thats PS3's butterzone atm.

Such craziness on behalf of Sony

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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Anyone thats wants to add me to their friends list...psn:BklynRecca....

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future......NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

OK My PSN ID = Phillip_Cat I will be on Thursday and I cant promise I'll be on the internet after that.

I'm def. gonna make another one with a girls name though... because making a girl avatar and being named phillip i dont think would trick many people....

I think Im going for gurtrude.

So... should I sport the fat lesbian look (Rosie O'donald) or should I go with the valley girl look.... oh choices choices.... I think im going with the valley girl and go "hehe" alot and /blush and /smile

Now you guys can be just as board with Home as I am!

Hopefully they'll start adding more developer content QUICK to keep people like me interested. I heard Sully's Bar was once in Home, but they removed it when 1.00 went live (and when I got in the beta). I've seen pics, and it looked pretty cool.

axumblade said:

Here is the Kotaku got this press release...I'll post it here cause the link doesn't really help people who are as lazy as I am and I'm too lazy to pick out bits and peices. lol


Highly Anticipated Service Open For All PLAYSTATION 3 Users

Tokyo, Foster City, London, December 10, 2008 – Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today announced that its highly anticipated PlayStation®Home Beta service for PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) will become available for all PS3 users around the world *1 on December 11, 2008. Following the successful completion of the closed beta service, PlayStation Home’s open beta service will continue to evolve with new features and functionality.


Now I'm much happier!

I'll check my region Thursday.

Although my internet is laughable I'll try give it a bash...

Proud Sony Rear Admiral