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Forums - General Discussion - We have a celebrity amongst our mod team, MakingMusic476 is Pedobear!

Gnizmo said:

izaaz101 said:

Oh, I was afraid of that. He may have very well taken advantage of you, after getting you inebriated. Just be careful from now on.

 Taken advantage of me how? He is the one that pays for the drinks. He even gets them from the bar.

But surely you're worth more than a few beers?

And wfz, this was the best place to put that, since he'll never want to enter this she's got a fighting chance!

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Self- OMFG that is freakin hilarious.

O Me- No it's not that is disgusting.

OO Me- But the bear is so cute.

O Me- Okay you're both sick.

Self- Gnizmo that sig was freakin funny too bad they banned it.

O Me- Pervert

OO Me- Ahh leave him alone he is not a pervert that bear is too cute to be perverted.

This one time I heard a great joke but then I forgot it.

When I laugh I sound like elmo on helium.

Babies on crack say the craziest things but man they get you ****ing tired.

If the world revolved around me the world would be a much better place. Seriously you know it's true.

True fanboys don't have to argue they just know they are right.

I am always arguing with the other voice in my head because he thinks he is better than me but he is so wrong I have to share everything with the bastard and all he does is sit on his ass all day. Then there is that other other voice in my head you know the one he's the asshole that is laughs at both of us seriously I freakin hate that guy.

I love the wii

o me love's the 360

oo me love's the ps3

MaxwellGT2000 said:
wfz said:
You guys are going to shit bricks when you see this:

Maybe someone should warn her of MM...


OH S**T @_@ we need to keep her secret from MM!


Quick! Hide her while I keep him distracted with a picture



The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->



This one time I heard a great joke but then I forgot it.

When I laugh I sound like elmo on helium.

Babies on crack say the craziest things but man they get you ****ing tired.

If the world revolved around me the world would be a much better place. Seriously you know it's true.

True fanboys don't have to argue they just know they are right.

I am always arguing with the other voice in my head because he thinks he is better than me but he is so wrong I have to share everything with the bastard and all he does is sit on his ass all day. Then there is that other other voice in my head you know the one he's the asshole that is laughs at both of us seriously I freakin hate that guy.

I love the wii

o me love's the 360

oo me love's the ps3

Nice pic I'm sure that'll keep MM distracted long enough for us to hide that girl as another user and put the age at 18 far too old for MM!

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Around the Network
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Nice pic I'm sure that'll keep MM distracted long enough for us to hide that girl as another user and put the age at 18 far too old for MM!

Hide her behind that fat goth chick!



Oh what the fuck is this.

Max, you're getting real annoying.

Neos said:
Soriku said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:

Just some posters to help you protect yourself from MM!



LOL. 4Chan notices everything don't they? XD That's one epic pic right there.

i knew it all along =(



I blame belgie!!



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)