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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you own a HD console but not a HDTV?


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My neighbor does. He has a 60gb PS3 with a shit of a TV. He has it connected with AV RCA cables hahah

WE as family does.

but in my room there is only a 21' flat screen.

i am planning to buy one for myself though

Not here.

I do, got a 30" 480i TV downstairs. I'd love to use my parents' 42" (720p) HDTV that they have in the family room, but they wouldn't let me. =(

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I got a 360 and no HDTV. The closest thing that I have to an HDTV is my computer that I hook up to my 360 once in awhile.

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Standard def all the way :(

did for about a year now im rockin the 1080p

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Of course not. HD games look terrible on SDTVs. There would be no point in me getting a 360 in addition to my Wii if I didn;t have an HDTV.

Yes... both the PS3 and 360, and no HDTV yet, unfortunately. (unless you count a 21" monitor)

It hurts!